Cours 4-5-6 Flashcards
Before a crisis, you have to get ready for what?
-Sometimes, there are warning signs before a crisis… which people just don’t want to believe
-You can’t prepare for everything – but you can prepare for anything
-Prepare yourself for the most likely and the biggest impact that could happen.
Un événement accidentel, c’est quel type de crise ( Tunamie)?
Ce n’est pas réputationnel mais bien fonctionnel.
Le réputationnel crises, impact vraiment l’image de ta compagnie
Définition de crisis and issue? What is the difference?
A crisis is a situation which has an immediate negative impact on an organization and takes that organization out of the environment of normal management procedures.
It is important to distinguish between a physical crisis which may affect the health and safety of staff, consumers and others, and a crisis of confidence. Both may have a serious and immediate impact on business.
Quand la compagnie fait face à la crise, la compagnie n’est pas capable de fonctionner
Physical crisis et procedural crisis c’est la même chose.
An issue is a condition of pressure (either internal or external) that, if it continues, may have a significant impact on the functioning or the interests of an organisation.
An issue may affect the attitudes and perceptions of key audiences. An issue may be a safety concern surrounding a product, for example.
An issue has the potential to become a crisis.
C’est un potential crisis, mais ce ne l’est pas encore. C’est plus une petite crise qui a le potentiel de devenir une grosse crise.
A crisis is perceptual: it is the perception of stakeholders that help to define an event as a crisis. A company or organization’s management must be able to see the event from the stakeholder’s perspective to properly assess whether a crisis has occurred.
What are the definitions of crisis and incident?
Crisis and Incident
A crisis disrupts or affects the entire organization (or has the potential to do so): that’s the difference between a crisis and an incident, which is a minor and localized disruption. In some cases, an entire industry can be affected by a crisis in one of its member organizations.
More miner incident: Threat a miner incident as a crisis is a bad thing to do. Because it can make it worst then what it is.
What tend to turn issues or incident into crisis?
Social media
With social media what change in the crisis world?
Dans le temps ça devenait rarement une crise. Contrairement à aujourd’hui, tout pour tournée en crise en raison des medias sociaux. Il faut donc réagir beaucoup plus rapidement pour réduire les domage. Cela signifie que tu as encore plus de besoin d’une préparation à la crise. Avoir des scenario prêt en cas de besoin. Ton porte parole aussi doit être prêt à réagir.
Now :
Citizen journalism, e.g. citizens posting live pictures
Platform for sharing emotions / critics
Increased risk of rumours and spreading of false information
Increased risk of reputation damage
Quand tu fais face à une crise, quelles questions dois-tu te demander?
• Ask yourself a number of questions:
Is your company directly addressed?
Questions or statements?
How many people picked up on the ‘news’?
Is the campaign the result of a genuine mistake or misstep?
Or is it just a rumour?
Are KOLs taking a stance?
• Take the time to assess whether engaging with the community is wise… and keep monitoring for possible escalation
• Have a plan in place for what the response will be & how it will be communicated …
we’ll come back to these different elements later!
Name the caractéristiques of***
- Characteristics
Lack of information
Unpredictable (≠ unexpected)
Very rapid succession of events
Public domain
Risk of losing control
Is it easy to lose a reputation?
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.
Phases on a crisis?
5. Rebuilding
Describe the phases on a crisis
- Alert
Detect incident
Inform emergency services if relevant
Assess situation
Notify those who are empowered with “double-check” principle
Decide to activate teams
Alert teams - Activation
• Set-up a first CMT-meeting
Check CMT composition
Establish a first situation analysis
Set priorities & a crisis mission statement
List stakeholders
Determine next meeting
• Inform Corporate
• Alert tactical teams
• Inform receptionists
• Set up holding statement incident
• Launch monitoring
• Ask members to perform an initial risk assessment in their domain of expertise
• Identify short-term must do’s - Strategy
Define crisis handling strategy
Translate it into concrete action plans
Track additional incoming information
Map key stakeholders
Set up a crisis communication strategy for internal audiences,
external stakeholders, press & social media
Inform and give guidelines to sales representatives
Monitor stakeholders’ reactions
Evaluate mid-term consequences
Liaise with impacted authorities
Create contacts with victims - Implementation
Follow-up on actions
Reassess strategy based on new information
Track additional incoming information
Monitor stakeholders’ reactions
Follow-up on contacts with key stakeholders
Keep staff informed
Evaluate long-term risks - Rebuilding
Analyse logs
Analyse reputational damage
Make report with evaluation of CMT-efforts
Adapt procedures
Avec quel outil dois-tu commencer avant de faire l’ensemble des outils de communication?
Tu dois commencer avec tes messages clé et après à partir des messages clé tu dois faire les outils de communication nécessaire
What is the most tangible asset of an organisation?
Reputation is the most important intangible asset of an organization
La réputation d’une organisation est un asset qui va protéger une organisation pendant une crise. C’est pas vrai que dans une crise ont pert l’ensemble de notre réputation. L’exemple de l’exam qu’il arrête pas de le dire
La réputation va avoir un lien avec ta valeur.
Impression - perceptions - support - KPIs
Page 25 des notes de cours
Crisis management
Crisis Management
The main goal is to guarantee that no matter what kind of major incident or issue arises,
the crisis response of the organisation allow to:
• Safeguard the health and safety of employees, local communities and the environment
• Pursue its production, business and commercial operations
• Limit financial or legal implications to a minimum
• Protect its reputation towards internal stakeholders, authorities, investors, clients,
suppliers, key opinion leaders, media, the public opinion in its whole
C’est pas toujours notre tache, on doit faire attention de pas se prendre pour un pompier ou autre.