couples Flashcards
resources in decision making
Pahl and Vogler = control over family income
1) allowance system- wife given budget to meet needs of family, husband keeps surplus
2) Pooling- equal access to income (eg: joint bank account). man still makes major decisions
Edgell= (study of professional couples)
1) Very important decisions- made by husband (eg: where to live)
2) Important decisions- joint, but man with final say (eg: children’s education)
3) Less important decisions- by wife (eg: food purchases)
Laurie and Gershuny= 70% of couples are equal, high earning women are more likely to have equal say
Smart= same sex couples attach no importance to money and decisions
Dobash and Dobash
- violent incidents are set off by what is seen as a threat/ challenge to authority
- marriage legitimises DV by allowing power on husbands, dependency on wives
Dar= difficult to count separate cases as difficulty counting amount of cases, or have not stopped
victims may be unwilling to report this due to threat/ fear
Yearnshire= a woman will suffer 35 times before reporting
The triple shift
Southern= mothers have to schedule and manage family’s time which is becoming harder due to social changes and women working. Mothers balance demands of work, personal time and family time
Gender Division of Labour
Crompton and Lyonette= Cultural explanation= determined by patriarchal norms and values, can only change of attitudes do too
Dunne= lesbian couples are more symmetrical due to no ‘gender scripts’
Material explanation= women generally earn less and more likely to do house work and child care, can only change due to equal pay
Sullivan= women earn less than men in 7/8 households and more likely to work part time