Counter Terrorism Flashcards
Define terrorism
“(1) (b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public and
(c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.
What actions fall within terrorism?
Action falls within this subsection if it:
(a) involves serious violence against a person,
(b) involves serious damage to property,
(c) endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,
(d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public or
(e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system”
State the 5 types of terrorism
state sponsored dissent terrorism left and right wing groups religious criminal
Define extremism
vocal or active opposition to fundamental (British) values, calls for the death of members of our armed forces. - the holding of extreme political or religious views
Define radicalisation
The process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism
What are interventions in relation to terrorism?
are projects intended to divert people who are being drawn into terrorist activity.
What is the UKs counter terrorist strategy called and what are the 4 key points?
Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks.
Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack.
Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack.
Under what act was the Prevent Duty brought in?
the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
What does the Prevent Duty require?
Requires all specified authorities to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”; local authorities and their partners therefore have a core role to play in countering terrorism at a local level and helping to safeguard individuals at risk of radicalisation.
What is the aim of the prevent strategy?
To reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
State the offences that the Terrorism Act 2000 created:
- being a member of a proscribed organisation
- arranging a meeting to encourage support for a proscribed organisation
- raising funds for or donating money
- receiving or providing money or property for the purposes of terrorism
- facilitating the laundering of terrorist money
- failing to report suspicions of terrorist finance offences to the police
What other offences are brought in under the terrorism act 2006?
- preparation of terrorist acts
- Providing/receiving training for terrorism.
- attending any place where terrorism training is being conducted
- encouraging terrorism
State and explain the initial actions of a potential terrorist incident
PRINCIPLES - STAY SAFE (STAY, TELL, ACT) 1. STAY SAFE • Do not approach unnecessarily • Use of PPE • Use of Cover • Secondary Threat • Cries for Help (from Victims and Terrorists) to attract the Police • They may anticipate your actions. (Terrorists)
2. SEE • Subject location • Description of subject • Weapons • What are they carrying? • How many subjects / casualties?
• Communications with Control Room to be clear and concise
• Describe the location / number of subjects
• Explain ‘Active Shooter’
• Accuracy, Brevity and Clarity
4. ACT • Direct and/or Disperse • First Aid • Cordons and RVP’s • Be patient • They may anticipate your actions. (Terrorists)
When dealing with suspicious items, what protocol should be applied?
The 4C’s protocol
Confirm - whether or not the item exhibits recognisably suspicious characteristics
Clear - the immediate area
Control - access to the cordoned area
State and explain the protocol that can be used to inform your judgment on approaching a suspicious device
The HOT protocol
o Is it HIDDEN?
Has the item been deliberately concealed or is it obviously hidden from view?
o OBVIOUSLY suspicious?
Does it have wires, circuit boards, batteries, tape, liquids or putty-like substances visible?
o TYPICAL is the item typical of what you would expect to find in this location?
What is the Initial Response: CBRN (Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Responder)?
If you think someone has been exposed to a hazardous substance:
• Caution and keep a safe distance to avoid exposure to yourself
• Tell those affected to:
o Remove themselves
o Remove outer clothing
o Remove the substance
What is JESIP?
Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Programme
What does the JESIP joint doctrine set out?
A standard approach to multi-agency working, along with training and awareness products for responding agencies to train their staff.
Whats are JESIP’s 5 joint working principles?
5 working principles:
o Co-locate with commanders as soon as practicably possible at a single, safe and easily identified location near to the scene.
o Communicate clearly using plain English
o Co-ordinate by agreeing the lead service. Identify priorities, resources and capabilities for an effective response, including the timing of further meetings
Jointly understand risk
o Jointly understand risk by sharing information about the likelihood and potential impact of threats and hazards to agree potential control measures
Shared Situational Awareness
o Shared Situational Awareness established by using METHANE and the Joint Decision Mode
What is METHANE?
M – Major incident declared? E – Exact location T – Type of incident H – Hazards present or suspected A – Access – routes that are safe to use N – Number, type, severity of casualties E – Emergency Services present and those required.