Counseling Models Flashcards
Learn and understand the common counseling models
Who is the Founder of Reality Therapy?
William Glasser
Who is the founder of Psychoanalytic therapy?
Sigmund Freud
Who is the founder of logotherapy?
Viktor Frankl
striving meaning of life is the primary, most powerful, and motivation force to human.
Give at least 2 psychodynamic approaches
- Psychoanalytic therapy
2. Adlerian Therapy
Who is Rudolf Dreikurs?
Rudolf Dreikurs was an Austrian psychiatrist and educator who developed psychologist Alfred Adler’s system of individual psychology into a pragmatic method
practical should be accepted and unpractical ideas are to be rejected
Who was credited with popularizing Adlerian Therapy or individual psychology in U.S?
Rudolf Dreikurs
Adlerian Therapy
Adlerian Therapy is a growth model stresses assuming responsibility, creating one’s own destiny and finding meaning and goals to create purposeful life.
What do you call this model that stresses assuming responsibility, creating one’s own destiny and finding meaning and goals to create purposeful life?
Adlerian Therapy
Who is Viktor Emil Frankl?
Viktor Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor. Frankl was the founder of logotherapy.
Key figures of Existential Therapy
- Viktor Frankl
- Rollo May
- Irvin Yalom