Counseling and Helping Relationships Flashcards
What is an Eros act?
What is a Thanatos act?
Death wish or death instinct
What are some of the superego’s concerns?
Values, morals, and ideals of parents/caretakers, society
What makes Joseph wolpe’S theory different from analysis?
He developed systemic desensitization which is a form of behavior analysis
To Freud, what made up dreams?
Manifest (surface) and latent (hidden) content
What is catharsis?
Talking about difficulties to purge emotions and feeling
What is the topographical theory?
Unconscious, preconscious, conscious
What is the most important defense mechanism according to Freud?
What is reaction formation?
When a person acts the opposite of how they feel
What is interjection?
When a child accepts a caretaker’s values as their own
What is the purpose of interpretation?
To help clients become aware of unconscious processes
What theorist emphasized the drive for superiority?
What did neo-freudians emphasize, in contrast to Freud?
The importance of cultural and interpersonal issues (social factors)
Who is associated with the myers-briggs type indicator?
Who was the first to discuss the use of group therapy in private practice?
Rudolph dreikurs
What makes up the collective unconscious?
Who believed treatment should be eclectic?
What is thorn dike’s law of effect?
Responses accompanied by satisfaction will be repeated, while those which produce unpleasantness or discomfort will be stamped out
Who is associated with classical conditioning?
What is experiment neurosis?
Stimuli becomes too difficult to differentiate, causing emotional disturbance
What is experiment neurosis?
Stimuli becomes too difficult to differentiate, causing emotional disturbance
What’s another word for suggestion
What could be used to provide temperature biofeedback?
Temperature trainer
What is an EEG?
Secures feedback related to brain wave rhythms
What is the most difficult intermittent schedule to extinguish?
Variable ratio
What is the least effective schedule of reinforcement?
Fixed interval
What does suds stand for?
Subjective units of disturbance scale
What is a back-up reinforcer?
Item or activity which can be purchased using tokens
What is behavioral rehearsal?
Act of practicing a behavior in session that can be useful in the client’s real life
Why are punishments not preferred?
Effects are temporary and teaches aggression
What is the basis of logo therapy?
Healing through meaning
Name 3 existentialists related to counseling
Roll May, Victor frankli Fritz perl’s
What therapy is William Glasser associated with?
Reality therapy
What book popularized glaSser’s theory?
Schools without failure /
What is the final step in reality therapy?
The client and counselor must be persistent and never give up
Who is Maxie C maultsby Jr?
Father of rational-behavior therapy
What are the two functions of the parent ego state?
Nuturing/critical parent
What are the different child ego states?
Natural, little professor, adapted
What is a complimentary transaction?
Communication runs parallel to get an appropriate and predicted response
Rogers (person-centered)
Individual is good and moves toward growth and self-actualization
Berne (transactional analysis)
Messages learned about self in childhood determine whether they are good or bad but intervention can change the script
Freud (psychoanalysis)
People are controlled by biological instincts and unconscious forces
Ellis (rational-emotive behavior therapy)
People have a cultural/biological propensity to think in a disturbed manner but can be taught to use their capacity to react differently
People are not good or bad and have the capacity lo govern life effectively as “whole”
Glasser (reality therapy) o
Individuals strive to meet basic physiological needs and the need to be worthwhile to self and others Brain a control system tries to meet needs
Adler (individual psychology)
Man is basically good and behavior is much determined by birth order
Jung (analytic psychology)
Man strives for individuation or a sense of self-fulfillment
Skinner (behavior modification)
Humans are controlled via environmental stimuli and reinforcement contingencies, no self-determination or freedom
Person produces and is a product of conditioning, observation and modeling are extremely important
Frankl (logotherapy)
Existential view that humans are good, rational, and retain freedom of choice
Williamson (trait-factor)
Through education and data, man can become himself I humans are born with potential for good or evil, others are needed to help unleash positive potential, man is main rational I not intuitive
What are the 3 conditions Rogers says invokes change?
Genuineness, unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding
What are ivey’S three types of empathy?
Basic, subtractive, additive