Counseling and Helping Relationships Flashcards
The father of psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Theory
Sigmund Freud
Individual Psychology (Alfred Adler)
Alfred Adler. Overarching goal to help patients overcome feelings of inferiority. Thought birth order had a significant impact in this. All human behavior is goal oriented and motivated by striving for superiority. Inferiority complex/overcompensation. Created a rift in psychology and separated from Freud’s psychoanalysis.
Analytical Psychology (Carl Jung)
Carl Jung - believed that we are motivated by repressed experiences and certain emotionally toned experiences inherited from our ancestors (collective unconscious) Highly developed elements are called archetypes. Pushed by both past events and pulled by future expectations.
Transactional Analysis (TA)
Eric Berne - Focuses on social transactions to determine ‘ego states’ in order to better understand behavior
Three Types of Transactional Analysis
1) Complementary - healthy, harmonious communication
2) Crossed - causes communication to break off, stepping into different ego states than anticipated
3) Ulterior - Three or more ego states interact at the same time. More at work than appears on the surface.
3 Ego States of Transactional Analysis
1) Parent - based on the past and things that we have been taught
2) Adult - Based on here-and-now things that we have learned to help us interpret reality
3) Child - Based on the past; emotions and feelings we “felt” in our childhood
Freud’s Topographical Model of the Mind
1) The conscious - small amount of mental activity that we know about
2) the preconscious- things we could be aware of if we wanted or tried. Memories
3) the unconscious - things we are unaware of and can not become aware of.
Most important ego defense mechanism according to Freudians
Repression -repressing traumatic events that occurred in early stages of life
Sublimation (defense mechanism)
acting out an unconscious impulse in a socially acceptable way
Introjection (defense mechanism)
when a child accepts a caregiver or significant other’s values as their own ex) a sexually abuse child trying to sexually abuse other children
Projection (defense mechanism)
attributing unacceptable qualities of his or her own to others
Reaction Formation
acting in the opposite way of which you feel
identifying with a cause or successful person in the hope that you will be perceived as successful or worthwhile
In contrast to Freud, Neo-Freudians emphasized
social factors
Rudolph Dreikurs
student of Alfred Adler and developed his system of individual psychology into a pragmatic method for understanding purposes of reprehensible behavior in children and for stimulating cooperative behavior without punishment of reward
Carl Jung’s Anima and Animus
Anima - the unconscious feminine side of a man
Animus- the unconscious masculine side of a woman
*part of theory of collective unconscious
Carl Jung’s Logos and Eros Principles
Logos - a universal divine reason - masculine
Eros - impulses and desire that circle around love - feminine
Carl Jung’s Archetypes
the material that makes up the collective unconscious that is passed from generation to generation.
The Four Main Jungian Archetypes
The Persona - the masks we wear in certain contexts
The Shadow - what we repress, denied yet desired, the mask behind the persona
The Anima or Animus - reflection of the opposite gender ideal
The Self - whole representing individuation.
Symptom Substitution
If you only address reducing a symptom, a new one will replace it, because is originates from the unconscious mind. A Psychoanalytic concept
closely associated with Frederick C. Thorne. Preferred psychological case handing to psychotherapy. Chooses best theoretical approach based on client’s needs.
Who emphasized lifestyle, birth order, and family constellation?
Alfred Adler (Individual Psychology)
Who emphasized lifestyle, birth order, and family constellation?
Alfred Adler (Individual Psychology)
Philosophical Theory - emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning. Trained a hungry dog to salivate at the sound of a metronome, which was associated with the sight of food
Skinners operant conditioning is also referred to as…
Instrumental Learning
Respondent is to reflexes as operant is to…
Forward, Simultaneous, and backward conditioning
Forward- CS .5 sec before (ideally) UCS - Conditioning will occur
Simultaneous - CS and UCS presented at the same time - conditioning will not occur
backward - UCS before CS - conditioning will not occur
Experimental Neurosis
when the differentiation process becomes so difficult (stimuli almost identical) it causes emotional disturbances
Experimental Neurosis
when the differentiation process becomes so difficult (stimuli almost identical) it causes emotional disturbances
Neal Miller
developed a theory of motivation based on the satisfaction of psychosocial drives by combining elements of a number of earlier reinforcement theories of behavior and learning. Through reward, rats could be trained to control autonomic bodily processes
Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale
Behavioral Rehearsal
the act of practicing a behavior is a counseling session that can be beneficial in the client’s life
(Wolpe’s) Systematic Desensitization Steps
1) Relaxation Training
2) Construction of Anxiety Hierarchy (SUDS)
3) Desensitization in imagination
4) in vivo desensitization
Covert vs. In Vivo Desensitization
Covert- in the imagination
in vivo- in real life
Stress Inoculation Treatment
(Donald Meichenbaum) “self-instructional training” a Cognitive Behavior approach that has three phases:
1) educational phase - client is taught how to monitor the impact of inner dialogue on behavior.
2) Rehearsal Phase - rehearse new self talk
3) Application phase - new inner dialogue is attempted during actual stress-producing situations.
Neurolinguistic Programming (Bandler and Grinder)