Councils and Creeds Flashcards
Council of Orange II
Date: 529 AD
- Ends Augustian era
- Turn towards realism and prevenient grace. Linked baptism with grace
Second Council of Constantinople
Date: 553 AD
- Rejects Nestorianism and condemns Origen
Third Council of Toledo
Date: 589 AD
- Had the filioque clause, which offended the East (Double Procession)
3rd Constantinople
Date: 680 AD
- Declared Monothelitism a heresy and affirmed that Jesus has two wills (because of human and divine nature)
2 Nicea
Date: 787
- Affirmed doctrine of veneration
1st Lateran Council
Date: 1123
- Investiture Controversy (Who has power to invests bishops with authority, kings or popes?)
Fourth Lateran Council
Date: 1215
- First time Pope calls a council
- Transubstantiation made Dogma
Council of Contance
Date: 1414-1417
- Addressed Avignon papacy
- Condemned Wycliffe and Hus
Council of Trent
Date: 1545-1563
- Largely about reform in the church during the Counter Reformation
- Confirmed many Catholic doctrines. Condemned Protestants
5th Lateran Council
Date: 1512
- Dealt with Corruption in the church
Synod of Dordt
Date: 1618-1619
- Arminian charged with Pelagianism
- Delegates from Switzerland, France, Germany, and England
Belgic Confession
Date: 1561
- Written by Guido de Bres who was a Dutch Reformed preacher.
Heidelberg Catechism
Date: 1563
- Published in Heidelberg, Germany.
- Chiefly written by Zacharius Ursinus