Cough Flashcards
Pulmonary TB
Constitutional = Fever, LOW, night sweats
Some may only have chronic cough
Can have haemotypsis.
Dyspnea is a late feature.
Often asymptomatic until late
Classically long-standing Hx of daily cough and copious sputum production.
Exam may show clubbing and coarse crepitations.
CXR shows dilated thickened airways.
Reid classification
Interstitial lung disease
Chronic non-productive cough and/or progressive exertional dyspnea.
Exam can have fine inspiratory crepitations, clubbing, pulmonary HTN
CXR shows reticular shadowing
Evaluate for secondary causes
Long-standing smoker with cough, exertional dyspnea, wheeze on exam, hyperinflation on CXR
Can cause chronic cough in presence of underlying chronic infection.
Cough-variant asthma
Post-infectious cough
After URTI
Causes cough in 5-30% due to bradykinin inhibition
Cough a/w eating, burping and lying down
Chronic rhinitis + post-nasal drip
Upper airway secretions can trigger cough reflex. Usually triggered right after lying down. May have symptoms of allergic rhinitis