Abdo pain Flashcards
Perforated viscus
Any GI organ can perforate.
e.g. IO, Peptic ulcer, appendix, diverticula, HCC
Ruptured AAA
Severe peritonitis and hypotension.
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Classic vaginal bleeding + abdo pain
Vaginal bleeding not always present
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis + Peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis
Patients on PD can get bacterial infection of intra-peritoneal fluid.
Present with generalized peritonitis.
Testicular torsion
High-riding tender testes lying transversely with loss of cremasteric reflex.
Positive Prehn’s sign
Gradual pain onset
A/w UTI symptoms
RUQ pain lasting hours. May radiate to right shoulder.
May have low-grade fever.
Murphy’s sign classic
No jaundice
Acute cholangitis
Charcot triad = RHC pain, Fever, Jaundice
Raynaud Pentad = Neurological symptoms, hypotension
Pt is sicker than in cholecystitis.
Cholecystic liver enzyme pattern = ALP GGT > AST ALT
Acute hepatitis
Fever, jaundice, tender hepatomegaly
Non-specific symptoms e.g. N/V.
Hepatic abscess
sometimes with jaundice or hepatomegaly
Acute pancreatitis
Steady epigastric and periumbilical pain, radiating to back.
Relieved on bending forward
Persistent nausea, frequent vomiting.
Look out for signs of haemorrhagic pancreatitis
Classic dull periumbilical (referred) pain migrating to RIF.
Localized RIF guarding + rebound tenderness.
Anorexia -> abdo pain -> vomiting -> fever
Alvarado score for assessment.
Low-grade fever
Possible tender, palpable mass
Change in bowel habits
Sometimes urinary urgency and frequency + sterile pyuria
Rarely hematochezia.
Acute abdo suggests perforation and peritonitis
Meckel’s diverticulum
Indistinguishable from acute appendicitis
Intestinal obstruction
Abdo distension
Abdominal colic
No bowel output