Costs Estimates Flashcards
Costs Information
1. Rule 1.5(c) SRA Transparency Rules 2019 - to provide
Costs Information
1. Rule 1.5(c) SRA Transparency Rules 2019 - to provide experience and quals of anyone carrying out the work, & their supervisors
Quotations and Estimates – Q&Es not explicitly referred to in Sols rules
2. Para 8.7 CoC for Solicitors, RELs and Para 7.1 RFLs & SRA CoC for Firms - provide
- SRA Transparency Rules 2019 –
- The Law Society’s position –
- Ombudsman Guidance -
Quotations and Estimates – Q&Es not explicitly referred to in Sols rules
2. Para 8.7 CoC for Solicitors, RELs and Para 7.1 RFLs & SRA CoC for Firms - provide best possible info on likely overall price- at time of engagement/as matter progresses
3. SRA Transparency Rules 2019 – Make clear if client to make payment themselves (inc. out of damages). Some info must be available on website e.g. costs information under Rule 1 must be clear (e.g. probate fees), accessible, prominent on website
4. The Law Society’s position – Inform C immediately if estimate likely to be exceeded. To be bound by estimate? - Court will determine on case-by-case basis
5. Ombudsman Guidance - C should never be surprised by the bill and be crystal clear on charging structure
Costs Lawyers
6. Principle 3.4 CL CoC (2018) – Explicit – must:-
- .
7. If work in house for SRA or CILEx Regulated firm - required to
Costs Lawyers
6. Principle 3.4 CL CoC (2018) – Explicit – must:-
- provide new clients with costs estimate.
- be in writing and
- set out details of the charging structure
- inform client if costs’ estimate becomes inaccurate
- inform of right to complain
7. If work in house for SRA or CILEx Regulated firm - required to comply with their requirements.
Quotes v Estimates
8. Quotation = .
9. Estimates may
Quotes v Estimates
8. Quotation = fixed price.
9. Estimates may turn into quotations. To avoid risk, always treat a qualified estimate as a fixed price quotation
Exceeding Quotations
10. Wong v Vizards - Ct will look at
- Leigh v Michelin Tyre –
- Garbutt v Edwards -
- Mastercigars Direct Ltd v Withers LLP -
- ## Key points On appeal:-
Tip on reliance…
Exceeding Quotations
10. Wong v Vizards - Ct will look at whether any satisfactory explanation for breach. 15% margin for error on the facts of the case.
11. Leigh v Michelin Tyre – Estimate a factor to be considered/a yardstick in determining what was reasonable.
12. Garbutt v Edwards - Failure to give estimate - merely to consider whether this increased the costs over what they would have been if an estimate had been given
13. Mastercigars Direct Ltd v Withers LLP - Estimate had not been updated. Court held that retainer subject to s.15 SG&SA1982 - implied for reasonable remuneration.
- Where cost estimate exceeded - did not follow that would be restricted to recover estimate. Q was “what in all the circumstances is it reasonable for the client to be expected to pay?”
14. Key points On appeal:-
- estimate is not a quote - entitled to reasonable remuneration for work done (s. 15 SG&SA 1982;
- Ct may ‘have regard to’ estimate and is factor in assessing reasonableness
- No basis for permitting a margin on top of the amount of the estimate. Rather, the greater the margin by which exceeds the estimate, the greater the explanation needed;
Tip on reliance…
15. The longer an estimate is left unrevised, the more risk there is that C will come to rely heavily on it
Costs Budgeting
16. CPR PD 44 para 3 - where CMO need to
No CMO? Need to
Costs Budgeting
16. CPR PD 44 para 3 - where no CMO and > budget by 20% or more, must provide a Statement of Reasons.
No CMO? Need to show good reason to depart
Fixed Costs
17. Sols limited to FRCs unless
18. At outset, prudent to identify
Fixed Costs
17. Sols limited to FRCs unless written agreement that section 74(3) of the Solicitors Act 1974 does not apply.
18. At outset, prudent to identify probability of a shortfall to C as a result of fixed costs (or, for example, the proportionality test).
Some reasons client may wish to complain:
Some reasons client may wish to complain:
*not being kept informed;
*inaccurate costs estimates;
*failure to file a budget on time and the applicable sanction;
*inaccurate or restrictive budgets
Applications C can make
Applications C can make
* an application for delivery of a bill;
* an application for further information;
* an application to set aside a contentious or non-contentious business agreement;
* an application for assessment.