Costs and Pricing Flashcards
Learn about Azure's pricing methods and cost prediction tools.
What is Capital Expenditure?
The up front spending of money on infrastructure.
What is Operation Expenditure?
The on going payments made to keep infrastructure running.
What does CapEx stand for?
Capital expenditure
What does OpEx stand for?
Operational expenditure
What is the Consumption based model?
A model that only costs money for resources you are currently using in azure.
What are the benefits of the consumption based model?
- Better cost prediction
- Billing is based on usage of resources
- Prices for individual resources and services are provided separately rather than all together
What are the factors that can affect the cost in azure?
- The type of resource
- The consumption (Pay as you go specific)
- Maintenance of services
- Customer type (What kind of customer are you)
- Location/Region
- Network and traffic
- Subscription type
- Reserved Instances
- Use of Azure Hybrid Cloud
What are the Customer types?
Web Direct
What is an Enterprise Customer?
A customer that is a full company rather than an individual. They may get discounts due to negotiated annual fixed payment agreements.
What is a Web Direct Customer?
A single user using Azure (Normally personal reasons). They are usually billed by usage of resources per month.
Why might sending network traffic across billing zones incur more costs?
Because there can be additional fees added on when transporting data between billing zones. Think of it like a toll station.
What does Reserved Instance mean?
When you commit to buying one/multi year plan for azure products. This can reduce the costs compared to pay are you go models (Sometimes up to 70%).
What is the Pricing Calculator?
A prediction tool used to estimate the cost of running given Azure products/solutions.
What are some of the things you can input into the Pricing Calculator?
Billing options
Support options
Programs and offers
Azure dev/test pricing
What is the Total Cost of Ownership Calculator?
A tool to estimate the cost savings that can by taken by migrating you on prem services/resource to azure. It compares the costs of on prem infrastructure to the cost of running azure services in the cloud.
What are the suggested general steps for minimizing costs?
- Perform costs analysis
- Monitor usage
- User spending limits
- Use Azure reservations and Azure Hybrid Benefits
- Choose low cost regions
- Keep up to date with cost offers in azure
- Apply tags to identify cost owners
What is Spot pricing?
A pricing model that costs less then the base pay as you go model. It is used for resources (Specifically VM) that can be interrupted on a short notice and can tolerate disruptions. They won’t always run smoothly but it is cheaper.