Costanzo Ch. 10 Flashcards
<p><p>What synthesizes anti-mullerian hormone</p></p>
<p><p>Sertoli Cells</p></p>
<p><p>Oocytes remain in \_\_\_ until ovulation occurs</p></p>
<p><p>Prophase of Meiosis</p></p>
<p><p>Phenotypic sex in females develops because of the lack of</p></p>
<p><p>Testosterone and Anti-mullerian Hormone</p></p>
<p><p>Theca cells produce</p></p>
<p><p>Progesterone; and Estradiol together with Granulosa Cells</p></p>
<p><p>Wolffian ducts give rise to</p></p>
<p><p>Epididymis, Vas Deferens, Seminal Vesicles, Ejaculatory Ducts</p></p>
<p><p>\_\_ stimulates growth and differentiation of Wolffian Ducts</p></p>
<p><p>\_\_ causes atrophy of the Mullerian Ducts</p></p>
<p><p>Anti-Mullerian (Sertoli cells)</p></p>
<p><p>The external male genitalia differentiate at gestational weeks</p></p>
<p><p>\_\_ develops into the internal female tract</p></p>
<p><p>Mullerian ducts</p></p>
<p><p>Which part of female genital tract does not require any hormones</p></p>
<p><p>External - Clitoris, Labias, Lower 2/3 of vagina</p></p>
<p><p>Secretion of GnRH begins at age \_\_ but remains low until \_\_\_</p></p>
<p><p>4 weeks gestation, then rises at Puberty</p></p>
<p><p>When is FSH higher than LH? When is LH higher?</p></p>
<p><p>FSH is higher in childhood and senescence; LH is higher during puberty and adult reproductive period</p></p>
<p><p>Primary event at puberty</p></p>
<p><p>Initiation of pulsatile secretion of GnRH (LH, FSH) - Women</p></p>
<p><p>Growth of the testes in puberty is largely due to</p></p>
<p><p>Incr number of seminiferous tubules</p></p>
<p><p>Appearance of pubic and axillary hair in females is dependent on</p></p>
<p><p>Incr secretion of adrenal androgens</p></p>
<p><p>Timing of Breast Budding and Menarche in females</p></p>
<p><p>Breast budding is one of first signs of puberty, and Menarche occurs about 2 years after</p></p>
<p><p>What forms the blood-testes barrier?</p></p>
<p><p>Sertoli cell tight junctions</p></p>
<p><p>3 functions of Sertoli Cells</p></p>
<p><p>Nutrients; Blood-Testes Barrier; Secretion into seminiferous tubules</p></p>
<p><p>Mitotic division of \_\_ generates \_\_ in males</p></p>
<p><p>Spermatogonia generate Spermatocytes</p></p>
<p><p>Meiotic division of \_\_ generates \_\_</p></p>
<p><p>Spermatocytes to (haploid) Spermatids</p></p>
<p><p>Spermatids become mature sperm thru loss of cytoplasm and development of flagella</p></p>
<p><p>Primary location of maturation and storage of sperm</p></p>
<p><p>Ampulla of Vas Deferens secretes</p></p>
<p><p>Citrate and Fructose</p></p>
<p><p>Seminal Vesicles secrete</p></p>
<p><p>Fructose, citrate, PG's, fibrinogen</p></p>
<p><p>Role of PG's in seminal fluid</p></p>
<p><p>Make cervical mucus more penetrable; Induce peristaltic contractions in female tract</p></p>
<p><p>Prostate Gland secretes</p></p>
<p><p>Citrate, calcium, enzymes - Slightly alkaline</p></p>
<p><p>Inhibitory factors in the seminal fluid and washed free, cholesterol is withdrawn from sperm membrane, and surface proteins are redistributed; Acrosomal reaction</p></p>
<p><p>Calcium influx into sperm</p></p>
<p><p>Increases their motility, motion becomes whiplike</p></p>
<p><p>Acrosomal Reaction</p></p>
<p><p>Acrosomal membrane fuses with outer sperm membrane - Creating pores thru which hydrolytic and proteolytic enzymes can escape the acrosome, creating a path for sperm to penetrate the protective coverings of the ovum</p></p>
<p><p>Steroid enzymes that testes lack</p></p>
<p><p>21B-Hydroxylase, 11B-Hydroxylase</p></p>
<p><p>Addition steroid enzyme in testes</p></p>
<p><p>17B-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (Androstenedione to Testosterone)</p></p>
<p><p>Synthesis of Sex Steroid Binding Globulin is stimulated by \_\_ and inhibited by \_\_</p></p>
<p><p>Stimulated by Estrogen, Inhibited by Androgens</p></p>
<p><p>GnRH is secreted by neurons in the </p></p>
<p><p>Arcuate Nucleus</p></p>
<p><p>If GnRH is administered continuously</p></p>
<p><p>It inhibits FSH and LH (needs to be pulsatile)</p></p>
<p><p>LH stimulates \_\_ in \_\_ cells</p></p>
<p><p>Cholesterol Desmolase in Leydig cells</p></p>
<p><p>Testosterone on hypothalamus</p></p>
<p><p>Negative feedback on GnRH (decreases frequency and amplitude of GnRH pulses)</p></p>
<p><p>Secreted by Sertoli Cells; Negative feedback on FSH secretion by APit</p></p>
<p><p>Frequency and amplitude of GnRH pulses when T is low</p></p>
<p><p>Increased (less negative feedback)</p></p>
<p><p>\_\_ is responsible for fetal differentiation of internal male genital gract</p></p>
<p><p>\_\_ is responsible for fetal differentiation of external male genitalia</p></p>
<p><p>DHT is responsible for</p></p>
<p><p>Ext male genitalia; Male hair and baldness; Sebaceous gland activity; Growth of prostate</p></p>
<p><p>5alpha-reductase inhibitor</p></p>
<p>5a-Reductase - 2 uses</p>
<p>Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy; Hair loss in men</p>
<p>Cortex of Ovary</p>
<p>Contains all oocytes, each encased in a follicle</p>
<p>Hilum of Ovary</p>
<p>Inner zone thru which blood vessels and lymphatics pass</p>
<p>Hilum of Ovary</p>
<p>Inner zone thru which blood vessels and lymphatics pass</p>
<p>Primordial germ cells produce oogonia by mitotic divisions until </p>
<p>gestational weeks 20-24</p>
<p>Beginning at \_\_\_, oogonia enter prophase of meiosis and become primary oocytes. This continues until \_\_\_</p>
<p>Begins at 8-9 wks gestation; Continues to 6mos postnatal</p>
<p>First stage of ovarian follicle development</p>
<p>Parallels prophase of oocyte; Primordial follicle develops into a primary follicle; Theca interna cells develop; Granulosa cells secrete fluid</p>
<p>Third stage of ovarian follicle development</p>
<p>5-7 days after menses; Dominant follicle develops; Ovulation then completion of first meiotic division - secondary oocyte</p>
<p>Third stage of ovarian follicle development</p>
<p>5-7 days after menses; Dominant follicle develops; Ovulation then completion of first meiotic division - secondary oocyte</p>
<p>Major ovarian estrogen</p>
<p>Theca cells synthesize and secrete</p>
<p>Progesterone and Androstenedione</p>
<p>Role of Granulosa cells in steroid synthesis</p>
<p>Androstenedione from Theca cells is converted to Testosterone then 17B-Estradiol</p>
<p>Which contains 17B-Hydroxysteroid DH and Aromatase: Theca or Granulosa Cells?</p>
<p>Granulosa Cells</p>
<p>In females, FSH acts on \_\_ to stimulate \_\_</p>
<p>Granulosa to stimulated Aromatase</p>
<p>In females, LH acts on \_\_ to stimulate \_\_ </p>
<p>Theca to stimulate Cholesterol Desmolase</p>
<p>Only ovarian cells with FSH receptors</p>
<p>Granulosa cells</p>
<p>Follicular Phase is dominated by \_\_ feedback by \_\_</p>
<p>Negative feedback on AP by Estradiol (from FSH, LH)</p>
<p>At midcycle, estradiol levels rise sharply due to</p>
<p>Proliferation of follicular cells</p>
Inhibin is produced by __ and __ in females
Granulosa cells, inhibits FSH secretion from AP
Activin is secreted by __ in females and __
Granulosa cells, stimulates FSH secretion
During the menstrual cycle, estrogen usually precedes __, preparing the target tissue
Without __, progesterone has little biological activity
Progesterone __ estrogen receptors on target tissues
Estrogen on Uterus
Proliferation, cell growth, and increased contractility
Progesterone on Uterus
Incr secretory activity, decr contractility
Estrogen on Fallopian Tubes
Stimulates ciliary activity and contractility (moves sperm toward uterus)
Progesterone on Fallopian Tubes
Increases secretory activity and decreases contractility
Estrogen on Vagina
Stimulates proliferation of epithelial cells
Progesterone on Vagina
Stimulates differentiation but inhibits proliferation of epithelial cells
Estrogen effects during Follicular (Proliferative) Phase
Growth of endometrium, growth of glands and stroma, elongation of spiral arteries; Cervical mucus becomes watery (ferning)
Significance of watery mucus stimulated by estrogen during Follicular Phase
Channels form, creating openings in the cervix thru which sperm can be propelled
Changes during Luteal Phase
Thickness of endo decr; Uterine glands become tortuous; Spiral arteries coil; Mucus becomes thicker and does not fern on a slide
Highest levels of E and P occur during
Pregnancy (corpus luteum then placenta)
Estrogen in Pregnancy
Growth of Myometrium, ductal system; Prolactin secretion; Enlargement of external genitalia
Progesterone in Pregnancy
Incr uterine threshold to contractile stimuli, preserving pregnancy until fetus is ready to be delivered
Thermogenic effect of Progesterone
Incr basal body temp during luteal phase
Variability of cycle is due to
variability in Follicular phase
What occurs in ovary during Follicular phase
Primordial Follicle to Graafian follicle; One Dominant Follicle; FSH and LH receptors are upregulated and E increases
Cervical changes upon ovulation
Mucus becomes more watery and ‘penetrable’ by sperm
__ days after ovulation, the fertilized ovum, or ___, arrives in the uterine cavity
4 days, Blastocyst
The blastocyst implants in the endometrium __ days after fertilization
5 days
The receptivity of the endometrium to fertilized ovum is critically dependent on
Low E/P ratio (corresponds to period of highest P output by corpus luteum)
The trophoblast contributes to the
Fetal portion of the placenta
At the point of implantation, under stimulation by __, the endometrium differentiates into __
Progesterone - Decidual Cells
Function of Syncytiotrophoblast
Allow blastocyst to penetrate deep into endometrium
hCG is secreted __ days after ovulation
8 days
How is estriol produced during pregnancy
Cholesterol to Pregnenalone in placenta; Preg to DHEA-sulfate in fetal adrenal cortex; DHEA-sulfate to 16-OH DHEA-sulfate in fetal liver; Estriol in Placenta
How is progesterone produced during pregnancy
In placenta from cholesterol
Braxton Hicks contractions
Uncoordinated contractions occurring ~1 mo prior to parturition
Cortisol in Parturition
Stimulated near term; Incr E/P ratio, which incr sensitivity of uterus to contractile stimuli
Effects of E vs P on contractility
E incr; P decr
PG’s in Parturition
E (incr E/P ratio) stimulates PGE2 and PGF2-a; These incr intracellular Ca of uterine SM, thus contractility
Why does lactation not occur during pregnancy
High E and P blocks Prolactin
What suppresses ovulation for a while after parturition
Prolactin suppresses GnRH, so suppressed as long as lactation continues
Aside from negative feedback, oral contraceptives decr pregnancy by
Changing cervical mucus to be more hostile to sperm; Decr motility of fallopian tubes
Postcoital contraceptives (Morning after)
Higher-dose preps of Estrogen and Progesterone to inhibit ovulation and interfere with implantation
Symptoms of Menopause
Thinning of vaginal epithelium; decr vaginal secretions; decr breast mass; accelerated bone loss; vascular instability; emotional liability
Which type of women tend to be less symptomatic from menopause
Obese women (aromatase)