Cost Estimation Flashcards
Graphs that plot costs against activity levels
What is a common rule of thumb for determining then umber of observations in statistical cost estimation
Use three years of monthly data if the physical processes have not changed significantly within that time
Slop of the line
Variable costs per unit
Intercept with the vertical axis
estimate of the fixed costs
high-low cost
method to estimate costs based on two cost observations, usually at the highest and lowest activity levels
In H-L Cost estimation, calculate variable cost per unit
Variable cost per unit = (cost at highest activity level-cost at lowest activity level)/(highest activity level-Lowest Activity level)
In H-L Cost estimation, calculate Fixed cost
Fixed cost = Total cost at highest [or lowest] activity level - (Variable cost X Highest [or lowest] activity level)
Statistical procedure to determine the relation between variables. Generates a line that best fits a set of data points. Because the regression procedure uses all the data points, the resulting estimates have a broader base than those based on a few select points (like the h-l method).
Also allows for more than one predictor (x variable).
Regression programs accept any data for Y and X terms so the accountant must be careful that data entered has a logical relation so it doesn’t result in misleading estimates.
Independent variable
predictor, x terms
Dependent variable
y term, Left-hand side
Correlation Coefficients
R, measures the linear relation between two or more variables, such as cost and some measure of activity.
Measures the proximity of the data points to the regression line.
The closer R is to 1.0, the closer the data points are to the regression line.
Conversely, the closer R is to zero, the poorer the fit of the regression line.
Coefficient of determination
R^2, Square of the correlation coefficient, interpreted as the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables.
If R squared is .828, it can be said that 82.8% of the changes in dependent costs can be explained by changes in the independent variable.
Ordinary least squares regression OLS
Regression line is computed so that the sum of the squares of the vertical distances from each point to the line is minimized. Organizations often exclude data for periods of unusual occurrences like strikes, extreme weather, and shutdowns.
t= b / SE
t is the value of the estimated coefficient, b, divided by its standard error.
Generally, a t-statistic greater than 2 is considered significant.
To construct a 95 percent confidence interval around b, we add or subtract to b the appropriate t-value for the 95% confidence interval times the standard error of b in
b +- t x (SE of b)
adjusted R-squared
correlation coefficient squared and adjusted for the number of independent variables used to make the estimate.
Adjusted R squared value is a better measure of the association between X and Y than the unadjusted R squared when more than one X predictor is used.
Common problems with regression estimates
- Attempting to fit a linear equation to nonlinear data
- Failing to exclude outliers
- Including predictors with apparent, but spurious, relations to the dependent variable.
- using data that do not fit the assumptions of regression analysis.
Effect of nonlinear relations on regression analysis
Likely to occur when the firm is operating near its capacity limits. Close to maximum capacity, costs increase more rapidly than activity because of overtime premiums paid to employees, increased maintenance, and repair costs for equipment…
To overcome, define a relevant range of activity (for example from 25-75 percent)
Effect of Outliers (example) in regression analysis
A single year’s worth of supplies was purchased and expensed entirely (but not used) within a single month or a large adjustment was made for under accruing payroll taxes. The accounting records are clearly abnormal with respect to the activity measure.
To overcome, use a scattergraph first and remove the highly unusual observations before running the regression.
Effect of spurious relations in regression analysis
Accountants must think through the relationships and not just let excel find the relationships among many variables. This can lead to misleading results.
Two assumptions of Regression analysis
The process for which costs are being estimated remains constant over time AND
The errors in estimating the costs are independent of the cost drivers.
learning Phenomenon
Systematic relationship between the amount of experience in performing a task and the time required to perform it. The variable costs tend to decrease per unit as the volume of activity increases.
Example: 80% learning curve–The time to produce the 4th unit is 80% of the second. The time to produce the 10th unit is 80% of the 5th unit.
Cost estimation assumption methods
Cost behavior depends on just one cost driver (multiple regression is an exception)
Cost behavior patterns are linear within the relevant range.
Account analysis
Cost estimation method that calls for a review of each account making up the total cost being analyzed.
Uses the experience and judgment of managers and accountants who are familiar with company operations and the way costs react to changes in activity levels. Relies on personal judgment. Includes the realities of downtime, missed work, machine repair, and the other factors that often cause engineering estimates to be less than realistic.