Cost (Chunk 2) Flashcards
Short run
A period of time in which at least one resource/ factor of production/input is fixed.
e.g a factory wants to increase output.
Easy to increase labour and raw materials
Size of factory is fixed.
Long run
A period of time in which no resources / factors of production / inputs are fixed i.e. All are variable.
e.g the same factory can now move into a larger factory or operate in multiple factories
Fixed costs
Are those that do not change as production levels change (eg. rent, rates, insurance).
Variable Costs
Are those costs that change and/or are directly related to production levels (eg. electricity, materials, production workers’ wages).
Law of Diminshing Returns
In the short run, if more and more variables input (eg. labour) is added to a fixed input (eg. capital), the addtion to production gained will at some point start to fall.
Increasing return factors
When variable inputs are added to a fixed inputs it leads to produciton effiencies e.e. an increase in productivity output / input