Cosmology Flashcards
He observed that light from distant galaxies is red shifted.
Edwin Hubble
It is the study of origin and history of the universe.
What does it mean when light from distant galaxies is red shifted?
It means that galaxies are moving farther and farther away.
The farther away a galaxy is from us, the faster it is receding. What law is this?
Hubble’s Law
The Hubble’s law is an evidence of this.
Expanding Universe
True or False.
The fact that we see all other galaxies moving away from us implies that we are the center of the universe.
True or False.
All galaxies will see all other stars moving away from them in an expanding universe.
What concept was used to explain the origin of the universe?
Big Bang
What are the 3 major pieces of experimental evidence?
Expansion of the universe, 3K background radiation, hydrogen-helium abundance
What does “K” stand for in 3K background radiation?
A uniform background radiation in the microwave region of the spectrum is observed in all directions in the sky.
3K background radiation
Account for nearly all the nuclear matter in today’s universe. This is consistent with the standard or “big bang” model.
Hydrogen-Helium abundance
The process of forming the hydrogen and helium and other trace constituents.
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Going Farther = redder
Going Towards = blue
What do you call this effect?
Doppler effect
It can see this ancient light from the very beginning of the Universe.
Microwave Telescope
This theory includes a black hole that exploded.
Physicist Nikodem Poplawski’s theory
True or false.
The more masive the star, the shorter the life span.
In what classification does the biggest star called?
In what class is the hottest star?
Class O
What color is the hottest star?
This diagram shows the temperature and size of stars.
Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram
Where do stars’ energy come from?
Nuclear Fusion
What kind of vast clouds does stars start?
Cold Molecule Gas
They are immense fusion reactors in space.
What are the stars made of?
Hydrogen and Helium
Stage wherein it collects hydrogen. It lasts for about 100, 000 years.
Stage wherein it stops collecting materials but not yet starting nuclear fusion. It tries to reach the critical temperature. This lasts for about 100 million stars.
T Tauri Star
Stage wherein fusion is already starting. This lasts for about 10-15 billion years.
Main Sequence
Once hydrogen resource is depleted, it will become?
Red Giant
What will happen when a small star die, what will it become?
White Dwarf
What will the large star become when it dies?
Neutron Star or Black Hole
The outer layer of a star are lost when the star changes from a red giant to a white dwarf.
Planetary Nebula
A very small, hot star, the last stage in the life cycle of a star.
White Dwarf
It is the explosive death of a red supergiant star.
Composed of mainly neutrons after the supernova explodes.
Neutron Star
Are believed to form from massive stars at the end of their life times.
Black Hole
It is a collection of several stars
These galaxies are shaped like a spheroid or elongated sphere and consists of only old stars.
Elliptical Galaxy
These galaxies have spiral arms and consists of both new and old stars.
Spiral Galaxy
These galaxies have no regular or symmetrical structure.
Irregular Galaxies
They have lots of young stars, gas, and dust, but do not have spiral arms.
Irregular I galaxies
They look strange. It seems that they are distorted by collisions with other galaxies at some time in their history.
Irregular II galaxies
When is Earth Day?
April 22
It is like anti-gravity working over large distances.
Dark Energy
It is due to the cycle. According to this theory, the universe has a limit.
Big Bounce
In this theory the universe will become compac.
Big Crunch
In this theory, everything will stop moving when it reaches absolute zero in temperature.
Big Freeze
It is a dreadful theory wherein everything will be ripped apart.
Big Rip
It is a space telescope that has a mirror and can capture visible light.
Hubble Space Telescope
Nebular hypothesis was proposed by whom?
Pierre de Laplace
The process wherein planets are formed by collecting grains.
It is when these grains form into clumps and then collided to form larger bodies.
What are the 4 terrestrial planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
What are the 4 gas giants?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
It is a process wherein planetisimals gather surrounding debris.
It creates a natural boundary between the terrestrial and gaseous planets, but it could have been a planet.
Asteroid Belt
An area containing rock/ice bodies beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Kuiper Belt
A cloud containing “dirty ice” well beyond the orbit of the Kuiper Belt. Comets are from this cloud.
Oort Cloud