cortex development Flashcards
what happens if the one cell thick neural tube doesn’t turn into the multiple layered cortices of the cerebrum and cerebellum?
you get developmental abnormalities suchas lissencephaly (smooth brain) and migration problems
how do the neural tube cells divide?
by nuclear translocation
when does the neural tube’s cell division take place?
when the nucleus is at the inner surface, in the ventricular zone
how can you identify the marginal zone?
it’s relatively cell body free
why can it look as if the neural tube is made up of multiple layers?
because the cell bodies can shuttle up and down (not into marginal zone though)
when does cell division rate increase?
when the neuropores close
what is a neuropore?
they’re the pores at the end when the flat sheet forms a neural tube
when the cerebral cortex is forming how is the pre-plate formed?
from post-mitotic cells moving from the ventricular zone to start forming the pre-plate
which cells in the marginal zone move off first?
the cajal-retzius cells
what is formed under the cajal-retzius cells?
the subplate
where does the cortical plate form?
what does this split?
under the marginal zone, above the intermediate zone.
splits the preplate and form many layers of the adult cortex
how can you tell that the cajal-retzius cells are making lots of proteins?
because there’s lots of RER and also the chromatin in the nucleus is making lots of mRNA
what do cajal-retzius cells secrete?
what is reelin?
made up of 3460 AAs and is ECM like
what happened in Reeler mice studies?
the preplate formed but the cortical layers were malformed, showing parralels to lissencephaly
what is cajal-retzius cell development regulated by?
what is seen in a Foxg1 -/-?
too many cajal-retzius cells, the cells are being made but aren’t migrating properly.