A statistical tool which uses 2 SETS OF SCORES from same respondents
Pearson R
A statistical tool which uses 2 SETS OF RANKING from same respondents.
N is <30
Spearman’s Rho
A statistical tool which uses 2 SETS OF RANKING from same respondents.
N is <30
Tau coefficient is smaller than spearman’s rho
Kendall’s Tau
A statistical tool which has 2 or MORE SETS OF FREQUENCIES
Phi Coefficient
A statistical tool which has 3 or MORE SETS OF PEARSON
Multiple Regression
Pearson r type of measurement
Both are interval and ratio
Spearman Rho type of measurement
Both are ordinal
Kendall’s Tau type of measurement
Both are ordinal
Kendall’s W type of measurement
All are ordinal, ranking are from raters
Phi Coefficient type of measurement
All are nominal data
Multiple regression type of measurement
All are interval and ratio
-1 + -1
.91 - .99
Very High
.71 - .90
.41 - .70
.21 - .40
.00 - .20
no correlation
A squared value of correlation coefficient
Correlation of Determination
A mathematical index describes magnitude and direction of relationship
Correlation coefficient
A statistic that indicates the degree of relationship of two sets of scores obtained from the same group of individual
Correlation statistics
A statistical tool which has 2 or MORE SETS OF RANKING
Kendall’s W