Corrections Ex1 Flashcards
Describe the three stages in the CJ system relevant to this course
Police -> Courts -> Corrections. Flow mainly one way, but have feedback loops from Corrections
Corrections & CJ as a whole are influenced by Social, Political, Economic and Legal forces. Describe some examples of each
Social - Family decisions & baby boom increased crime in 70s.
Political - Sentence Doubling
Legal - DUI was not real till 80s
Economic - Restorative Justice was implemented for econ reasons.
Penal Philosophies
Keeping individual away from society
Eye for an eye
Does not mean revenge
Doesn’t focus on the future, restores balance the offender upset
Taking away capacity to commit offense again
*general *specific
General - Others watching will be deterred by the punishment
Specific - deterrence for that specific individual
We can salvage anyone - anyone can get better
Needs to be a change in heart, not a change in behavior
Restoring things to the way they were before the offense
Balanced approach
Rehab is about offender, restoration heals all - community, offender, vic.
Money or service paid to victim
May restore balance between offender and victim but not necessarily the community
Ex offenders are coming back to communities - how do we fit them back in?
These Penal Philosophies lead to ACTION MODELS for dealing w offenders
Medical Treatment - how do we figure out what the problem is?
- Intake examination
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
Hard Time
generally intended for hardened criminals, little opportunity for successful treatment if sent elsewhere
Community - what’s an example, too?
Reintegration is ideal
“alternative sentencing”
Workenders - confinement on weekends to serve sentence
Just Deserts
Punishment & Crime should fit each other
No time off for good behavior
Punishment is applied evenly, even when that might not make sense.
Restorative Justice
Restore to victim, accountability of offender, and some sense of order brought back to community
victim-offender mediation
Wellspring Era (until 1800s)
Basis for all subsequent eras. Focused on corporal and capital punishment
Lex Talionis
Measured retaliation - punishment should respond to the degree of the crime
Paid restitution. Only existed in narrow circumstances
What kind of philosophy existed?
Two families might fight for control, one would be exiled if the lost
The wellspring era gave birth to prisons - what were these originally called, and what were they like?
Gaols - became Workhouses - then Bridewell
People were held in Gaols after conviction but before corporal / capital punishment
Became workhouses in which people were in “debtors prison”
Bridewell House
Originally a leprosy hospital, first prison after lepers moved out
Became model based on which others followed
Began implementing policies
John Howard was captured by the French & spent time in prison. What were his recommendations after he was released?
- Sanitary, Secure structure
- Abolition of fees - not a place for profit
- Work completed should serve purpose of reform
- Systematic inspections should be carried out
Howard became a sheriff, and as a result of his efforts the 1779 parlaiment passed the penitentiary act, but was more successful in US