Corrections Flashcards
Goals of most custodial institutions
- To ensure the safety of the individual (number 1 goal)
- To ensure the safety of the community
- To provide programming opportunities for the rehabilitation of offenders
Pre- 1450
Possession by demons - defense ‘I was possessed by a demon’ - cause - due to physical possession by some kind of demon - Response - Remove the demon
Pre-historic and 1700s
Trephining - often in frontal lobe/ scapegoat
1450 - 1750 (Dark Ages)
Possession by the Devil -Cause- Abnormal behav. believed to be spiritual possession by the devil - Response - ‘Encourage’ the devil to leave - flogging, icewater, burning
1750 - 1800
Biological Abnormality and proportional responses era
Cause of abnormal behav. during biological abnormality and proportional responses era
Due to some unknown biological cause
Response to abnormal behav during biological abnormality and proportional responses era
- e.g ice baths (lower temp) to treat physiological - blood transfusions - frontal lobotomies -
1800 - 1850
Institutionalized Era
Cause of abnormal behav during institutionalization era
- some uncontrollable cause
Response to abnormal behav during institutionalization era
- separation and instituionalization
Panopticon Design
Prison design Jeremy Batham - prison guard can see all the prisoners - Roundhouse in Fremantle (1830)
1850 - 1900
Medical Era
Cause of abnormal behav during medical era
due to medical problem
Response to abnormal behav during medical era
operations and medications
1900 - 1930
Psychoanalytical Era
Cause of abnormal behav in psychoanalytical era
Due to early childhood conflicts and unconscious impulses
Reponse to abnormal behav in psychoanalytical era
- Intensive individual therapy (rich criminals)
1930 - 1950
Behavioural era
Cause of abnormal behav in behavioural era
Due to learning
Response to abnormal behav in behavioural era
Behaviourally based treatments (aversion therapy - reconditioning - systematic desensitisation - behaviour mod)
Aversion Therapy
Behavioural technique in which the individual is exposed to the stimulus of interest while forced to experience an unpleasant sensation in order to stop the behaviour (clockwork orange)
What is aversion therapy based on
classical conditioning (Watson, Pavolv)
Key component of aversion therapy
Forming of association between behaviour and unpleasant sensation
Early studies of aversion therapy on
rats and alcoholics
used to support the treatment of chronic alcoholism by producing an acute sensitivity to alcohol. It blocks the processing of alcohol in the body by inhibiting acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, thus causing an unpleasant reaction when alcohol is consumed.
Forensic applications of aversion therapy
Paedophiles - deviant sex offences
Behavioural Modification programs
Positive behaviours encouraged through a schedule through the implementation of a schedule of reinforcement (Skinnerian)
Behavioural Modification Programs based on
Operant conditioning work of Skinner
What is Behavioural Modification also known as
- Token economy
Forensic Applications include
- Youth custodial facilities - male and female custodial facilities
1950 - 1980
Humanistic Era
Cause of abnormal behaviour in humanistic era
Believed to be due to the need for people to self-actualise
Response to abnormal behav in humanistic era
Group therapy aimed at impacting empathy, unconditional acceptance and genuineness
Forensic Applications of humanistic approach
Therapeutic jurisprudence (law as a therapy) - restorative justice -
Cause of abnormal behaviour in cognitive era (1980 - today)
-Due to cognitive thinking style - may be positively impacted through a behavioural based program
Cognitive risk factors related to offending
- self control - locus of control - social problem-solving - empathy - recognition of feelings
Self-control definition
Degree to which one can successfully cope with potentially negative urges feelings and reactions including - impulsivity - risk-seeking -self-centredness -temper
Locus of control
Degree to which you believe that you control your own destiny (Low ext —— high ext)
Social Problem Solving
The ability to SUCCESSFULLY IDENTIFY and RESOLVE SOCIALLY based CHALLENGES such as disappointment, frustration etc
Recognition of Feelings
(Emotional Intelligence) - The ability to RECOGNIZE and CONTROL your OWN FEELINGS as well as RECOGNIZE the FEELINGS of OTHERS