Corrections 2 Flashcards
What ovarian tumour is associated with the development of endometrial hyperplasia?
Granulosa cell tumour
When can the COCP be prescribed postnatally:
a) breastfeeding
b) not breastfeeding
a) 6 weeks
b) 3 weeks
UKMEC of the COCP 6w to 6m postnatally if breastfeeding?
When can the IUS/IUD be inserted after birth?
Within 48h or after 4 weeks
How long after insertion does the IUS take to become effective?
7 days
How long after insertion does the implant take to become effective?
7 days
Mx of CIN?
Mx of stage IA cervical cancer:
a) gold standard
b) in women wishing to preserve fertility?
a) Hysterectomy +/- lymph node clearance
b) Cone biopsy and close follow up
What is indicated in stage IA2 tumours in cervical cancer?
Nodal clearance
Radical trachelectomy is also an option for A2
Mx of stage IB tumours in cervical cancer?
radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy is advised
What is the commonly used chemotherapeutic agent in stage IB tumours in cervical cancer?
Mx of stage II and III tumours in cervical cancer?
Radiation with concurrent chemotherapy
At what crown rump length is cardiac activity expected
Ulipristal and breastfeeding?
breastfeeding should be delayed for one week after taking ulipristal
What is used in intrauterine balloon tamponade?
Intra-uterine Bakri catheter