Corrections Flashcards
justice vs fairness?
justice is an outcome, after the process of fairnedd
> ex. beyond a reasonable doubt
fairness is a process, something that is visible
> ex. disclosure
Corrections principles
punishment, intervention, prevention,
> must use least restrictive measure
> a program / correctional plan based on RNR model
correctional efforts that attempt to address the offenders criminal behaviour while taking into account the protection of society
attempt to identify cues that can trigger criminal behaviour and address these signs before criminal activities occur
a consequence imposed on an offender by the justice system to maintain order, demonstrate respect to those who obey, and protect those have been harmed
punishing offenders equal to the seriousness of their offence
practice of punishing an act in past to prevent it form happening in the future
> general - broad
> specific - individualized
> neither are effective
removing the offender ability to committ further acts by isolating from the wider society
efforts that aim to repair the attitudes and behaviours of an offender to a noncriminal state
focus on reshaping or changing an individuals motivation to commit a crime so that they can blend into society and adhere to its expectations
efforts that focus on repairing the injuries, harm, and damage to the victim and community cause by the criminal behaviours
hyper surveillance
behaviour manipulation
Current Principles
> respect for human rights (charter)
fair treatment defined by laws and policies
corrections must be transparent and accountable
public safety through rehab + reint
normative conditions of confinement
- family, architecture, contact with outside
cannot add to punishment imposed by courts