Corrections Flashcards
What is imprisonment in a jail or prison called?
Rehabilitation system developed by John Augustus in 1841
Where was the first prison built?
Description of prison design changes
Who are increasingly being used to manage prisons and jails
Private companies
Location used to house juveniles who have committed crimes
Juvenile detention center
Location generally used to house sentenced felons
Repeat offenders are called a
Made colonial Pennsylvania an exception to the harsh practices often found in the other colonies.
William Penn (the Quakers)
The study of punishment
A belief that someone will change their behavior due to incarceration or punishment
Studies in Penology has revealed it has seldom served as a crime deterrent
A person is determined to be incapable of criminal intent at what age?
The most common execution method
Lethal Injection
A moratorium was placed on the death penalty with this case
Furman v. Georgia
Which Amendment challenges capital punishment/cruel and inhuman treatment?
Eighth Amendment
What is it called when the officer must take possession of all of the suspect’s property prior to jail?
Booking Process
This idea emphasized that the punishment should fit the individual’s crime. Rather than inflicting pain as the main element of correction, the idea of changing the individual became the goal.
Ideas of the Enlightenment
This procedure includes mental, medical and physical evaluations of the person
Booking Procedure
A parolee can show positive results when…
They have been properly prepared
One example of an electronic monitoring system
Tether (ankle bracelet)