Correctional Institutions and the Community Flashcards
Is the reorientation of the criminal offender to prevent him or her from repeating his delinquient actions without the necessity of taking punitive action but rather introduction of individual measures of reformation
Correction as Process
It is the study of punishment for crime or of criminal offender. It includes the study of control and prevention of crime through punishment of criminal offenders
Are primarily adult penal insitutions used for the detention of law violators
A penitentiary, an institution for the imprisonment of persons convicted of major or serious crimes
A person who is under the custody of lawful authority. A person, who by reason of his criminal sentence or by a decision issued by a court, may be deprived of his liberty or freedom
No layman would or may be able to appreciate the importance of jails, unless and until he has once stayed there for violation of any law or local ordinance
Importance of Jails
General Classification of Prisoners
Those detained for investigation, preliminary investigation or awaiting trial
Detention Prisoner
General Classification of Prisoners
Offenders who are committed to the jail or prison in order to serve their sentence after final conviction by a competent count
Sentenced Prisoner
General Classification of Prisoners
Includes non-criminal offenders who are detained in order to protect the community against their harmful behavior
Prisoners who are for safekeeping
Classification of Snetenced Prisoners
Those sentenced to suffer a term of sentence of 3 years and 1 day to life imprisonment. Those sentenced to suffer a term of improsonment cited above but appealed the judgment and unable to file a bond for their temporary liberty
Insular or National Prisoners
Classification of Snetenced Prisoners
Those persons sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 6 months and 1 day to 3 years or a fine not more than 1,000 pesos, or both; or those detained therein waiting for preliminary of their cases cognizatble by the RTC
Provinvial Prisoners
Classification of Snetenced Prisoners
Those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 1 day to 3 years or a fine of not more than 1,000 pesos or both. Those detained therein whose cases are filed with the MTC. Those detained therein whose cases are cognizatble by the RTC and under Preliminary Investigation
City Prisoners
Classification of Snetenced Prisoners
Those confined in Municipal Jails to serve an imprisonment from 1 day to 6 months. Those detained therein whose trails of their cases are pending with the MTC
Municipal Prisoners
The Three Aims of Correctional Reforms
To provide judges…
…with more options to deal with offenders through the use of probation, day fines, commitment to community treatment centers, pre-trial release and other measures short of imprisonment
The Three Aims of Correctional Reforms
Improving conditon in…
prisons, and jails, including decongestion, improved housing, more effective medical. educational, vocational training, and rehabilitation program services
The Three Aims of Correctional Reforms
Establishing an intergrated coorectional system that…
will insure the development of an unified philosophy of treatment, implementation of uniform standard and policies, effective programs planning and development, and efficient delivery of services to offenders while at the same time protecting the interest and welfare of society
Process of Classification
- Diagnosis
- Treatment planning
- Execution of treatment program
In order that the center can accomplish the purpose for which it is intended, the following basic elements must exist in the correctional system
- There must be a sufficient number and variety of institutions or treatments
- There must be and integration of plan and program
- The public must be educated to accept the basic concept of treatment as opposed to mere punishment
- There must be a sound philosophy of treatment and training throughout the entire correctional system;
- There must be good facilities and personnel
Programs and Services Provided by Prison Authorities
- Employment of Prisoners
- Religious Services
- Educational Program
- Recreational Program
- Library Services
- Health and Medical Servies
A form of executive clemency which is exercised by the chief executive. It is an act of grace and the recipient of pardon is not entitled to it as a matter of right
Kinds of Pardon
One which is given without any conditions attached to it
Absolute Pardon
The purposes of absolute pardon
- To do away with the miscarriage of justice
- To keeo abreast with the current philpsophy, concept or practice of criminal justice administration
- To restore full political and civil rights of persons
Kinds of Pardon
The form of a contract; it must first be accepted by the pardonee before it takes effect. The pardonee is under obligation to comply strictly with the conditions imposed therein; otherwise his non-compliance will result to the revocation of the pardon
Conditional Pardon