Corporate governance - Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is the UK corporate governance code?
.Sets out standards of good practice in relation to board leadership and effectiveness, remuneration, accountability and relations with shareholders
.All companies with a premium listing of equity shares are required to apply the code in their annual reports
What is corporate governance?
Relates to the behaviour of companies, and serve to encourage, restrict or otherwise shape their relationship with wider society
How does the agency theory relate to corporate governance?
.Results from the separation of ownership from control
.Considers how agents might be constrained to act in the owners’ best interests
A good corporate governance regime helps to….
Assure that corporations use their capital efficiently and to ensure that corporations take into account the interests of the communities in which they operate
What are the two drivers of corporate governance reform?
.Changing ownership structure
.Corporate collapse and malfeasance
What are the 5 essential features of the corporate governance code?
- Leadership
- Effectiveness
- Accountability
- Remuneration
- Relations with shareholders
What is the main feature of leadership?
.Every company should be headed by an effective board
.Clear division of responsibilities at the head pf the company
.No individual should have unfettered power
.Chairman is responsible for leadership of the board and ensuring its effectiveness
What is the main feature of effectiveness?
.The board and its committees should have the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to enable them to discharge their responsibilities effectively
What is the main feature of accountability?
.Present a fair, balanced and understandable assessment of the company’s position and prospects
.Maintain sound risk management and internal control systems
What is the main feature of remuneration?
.Designed to promote the long term success of the company
.No director should be involved in deciding their own remuneration
.Performance-related elements should be transparent and rigorously applied
What is the main feature of relations with shareholders?
.The board should use general meetings to communicate with investors and encourage participation
.Should be a dialogue with shareholders based on the mutual understanding of objectives
What is the trademark approach of corporate governance in the UK?
.The comply or explain model
.The foundation of its flexibility
.Admired by companies and shareholders
What is the comply or explain model?
.NOT a rigid set of rules
.Consists of principles and provisions
.Require companies to apply the main principles and report to shareholders on how they did so
What problems did Arcor, Bruno and Faure-Grimaud (2010) find with the comply or explain model?
.The firms that did not comply gave poor explanations
.In 1 in 5 cases firms did not give an explanation for their non-compliance at all
.The choice seems to be comply or don’t comply
Why do shareholders have limited capacity to monitor the functioning of the company?
.Lack of coordination
.Costs of monitoring
.Different incentives
What are the 4 developments from auditors that help resolve corporate governance issues?
- Internal control and risk management
- Earnings management
- Audit quality and transparency
- Ethical standards and auditor independence
How does internal control and risk management resolve corporate governance issues?
.Ensures effective use of resources and direction the board should have
.Clear understanding of the risks
.Ensure effective control processes
.Provide assurance that these processes are effectively managed
How does earnings management resolve corporate governance issues?
Auditors must maintain professional scepticism in management judgement
What is earnings management?
.Estimation techniques used to alter financial statements to influence an entity’s performance
.E.g. Delaying sales
How does audit quality and transparency resolve corporate governance issues?
.Restores public confidence
.Greater emphasis to risk assessment, quality of audits and audit firm’s quality control practices
How does ethical standards and auditor independence resolve corporate governance issues?
.The code of ethics ensures compliance with integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour
.Auditor independence enhances corporate governance
.Ensure ethical principles are not compromised