coronary circulation, angina and acute coronary syndrome Flashcards
circulation and their unique requirements
what do they adapt to?
what 4 things to look at when looking at them?
Circulations are able to adapt the particular needs of end organs/tissues
e.g. circulations to brain, heart, skin, kidney lungs, skeletal muscle
All have there unique characteristics
Special requirements
Special features
Structural, Functional
Special problems
coronary circulation - special requirments
what does it need a constant supply of? when does this increase?
Needs a high basal supply of O2 – 20x resting skeletal muscle
Increase O2 supply in proportion to
increased demand/cardiac work
coronary circulation - special structural features
two key features?
what effect do they have together?
High capillary density
Large surface area for O2 transfer
Together these reduce diffusion distance to myocyte
-> t relative X2 – so transport O2 is fast
coronary circulation - special function during normal activity
what happens a lot during normal activity?
what is decreased and why is a lot of released? what effect does this have?
net effect of this compared to rest of body?
During normal activity
High blood flow - 10x the flow per weight of rest of body
Sparse sympathetic-mediated vasoconstriction + high nitric oxide released -> together helps shift towards resting vasodilatation
High O2 extraction (75%) - average body is 25%
coronary circulation - special function during increased demand
what happens during increased demand? how is symathetic vasoconstriction reduced?
what other molecule acts on vessels? what receptors?
Coronary blood flow increases in proportion to demands
Production of molecules from muscle which are vasodilators e.g. adenosine, K+, acidosis (metabolites made from more work done in muscles)
‘out-compete’ sympathetic vasoconstriction during exercise hence MORE dilation and MORE blood flow
Circulating adrenaline dilates coronary vessels
due to abundance of B2-adrenoceptors
CO2 and oxygen unloading
what happens if more co2 produced?
how does this relate to o2 extraction in heart vs body?
If more CO2 produced it will displace oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin and extract more O2 from blood
therefore with more activity more CO2 is produced which will be displaced and more O2 extracted
hence heart has 75% extraction and body has 25%
why does more O2 demand produce more blood flow?
key reason?
what happens when more o2 is used? what effect does this have?
Extraction is near max during normal activity
Therefore to provide more O2 during demand, we must increase blood flow
Myocardium metabolism generates metabolites. As more o2 used, more metabolites is produced such as adenosine, co2, H+, K+ which feedback on coronary circulation to cause an increase in vasoldilation via metabolic hyperaemia which increase blood flow
coronary circulation - special problems
when does blood flow?
problem with ischemic heart disease?
what is the heart very susceptible to?
Systole obstructs coronary blood flow
Coronary blood flow only occurs during diastole
Ischemic Heart Disease
Coronary arteries are functional end-arteries and therefore a decrease in perfusion produces major problems
Heart is very susceptible to sudden and slow obstruction
slow and sudden obstruction of the heart
name sudden condtions
name slow condtions
Sudden: acute thrombosis, Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) including myocardial infarction
Slow: atheroma (sub-endothelium lipid plaques)
chronic narrowing of lumen, produces angina
Why is coronary blood flow prevented during systole?
Pressure in ventricles is = or > aorta
- No coronary perfusion
Why is coronary blood flow possible during distole?
key feature of aorta?
how does this maintain blood flow?
Ventricles pressure decrease a lot but aorta maintain pressure durinf diastole due to its recoiling nature
this means that the aorta can take on blood due to elastin and when heart relaxes hence diastole, the compliance decreases and it can send the blood flow to the rest of the body e.g heart and maintain BP during diastole
Mechanical factors that reduce coronary flow during diastole (3)
1) Shortening diastole, e.g. high heart rate
2) Increased ventricular end-diastolic pressure, e.g. volume-overload heart failure
3) Reduced diastolic arterial pressure, e.g. hypotension, aortic regurgitation hence there is less difference netween arterial and ventricles so less drive for blood flow
Issue with coronary arteries being function end-arteries
what is there a low number of?
what does this mean?
what happens if obstructions happen?
Low numbers of cross-branching collateral vessels
(Arterio-arterial anastomoses)
Blood flow cannot by diverted to ischemic areas
This means functionally vessels provide o2 + nutrients to specific areas of the heart so there is no cross branching so if obstrcution happens, parts of the heart will die due to poor blood flow
Example of functional end-arteries
Total occlusion of left anterior descending coronary artery
what does it lead to? result of this? what sequent of events happen after this?
Leads to ischemic area – myocardial infarction ->
ischemic tissue, acidosis, pain (stimulation of C-fibres) -> impaired contractility -> sympathetic activation -> arrhythmias -> cell death (necrosis)
Functional end-arteries – other arteries cannot divert blood to area
Angina - symptoms
where is pain? other symtoms?
‘’Strangulation of the chest’’
Pain, crushing sensation in the chest
Radiates to neck, arms, jaw
With shortness of breath, dizziness