Cornea, Limbus, canal of Schlemm Flashcards
(pg 128 - 140)
What are the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the cornea?
Vertical: 10.6mm
Horizontal 11.7mm
What is the posterior diameter of the cornea?
What is the central thickness of the cornea?
500-600microns (0.5-0.6mm)
What is the thickness of the cornea peripherally?
What is the radius of curvature of the:
a) anterior surface of the cornea?
b) posterior surface of the cornea?
Anterior: 7.8mm
Posterior: 6.5mm
What is regular astigmatism?
When cornea is more curved in vertical than horizontal plane
What is the refractive index of air?
What is the refractive index of aqueous?
Name the layers of the cornea
1) corneal epithelium
2) Bowman’s membrane
3) Substantia propria/stroma
4) Descemet’s membrane
5) Corneal endothelium
Corneal epithelium:
1) How many layers centrally and at limbus?
5 centrally, 10 or more at limbus (becomes continuous with bulbar conjunctiva)
E= 5th letter of alphabet; epithelium = 10 letters
Total thickness corneal epithelium
Corneal epithelium:
Describe the structure of superficial zones. (shape, number, attachments, microstructure)
- Superficial:
2-3 cells thick
flat cells, horizontal nuclei, attached by desmosomes.
Microvilli and micropliae on superficial cell surface that extend into superficial tear film and retain tear film. (as cells age they loose attachments to one another and are lost in the tear film)
light cells have more microvilli than dark cells. Dark cells located more centrally.
Corneal epithelium:
Describe the middlezone
(shape, number, attachments, microstructure)
- Middle:
Polyhedral cell shape (aka wing cells) Convex anteriorly + concave posteriorly
Ovoid/round nuclei
Desmosomes join cells, lateral borders interdigitate
Corneal epithelium:
Types of cells and broad arrangement
superficial = flattened, non-keritanized squamous cells.
Deep = columnar. Cells are stratified.
Corneal epithelium:
Describe the structure deep zone.
(shape, number, attachments, microstructure)
- Deep:
Single layer columnar cells that rest on basement membrane
Lateral borders interdigitate, attached by desmosomes
Hemidesmosomes attach basal plasma membrane to basement membrane
Basement membrane strongly attached to Bowman’s membrane +** stains positive with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)**
Naked nerve endings of sensory nerve fibres (ie non-myelinateed nerves) run between cells, sensitive to pain
Are any other types of cells found in corneal epithelium?
1. lymphocytes
2. macrophages
3. pigmented melanocytes
4. wandering histocytes.
5. Antigen-presenting Langerhan’s cells (derivatives of macrophages) founding limbus and peripheral cornea. Migrate centripetally in response to trauma + infection, but also as part of ageing)
What is found between the corneal epithelium and Bowman’s layer?
What is it subdivided into, how thick are these layers?
How is the corneal epithelium anchored to Bowman’s layer?
Basal lamina
- Lamina lucida (25nm) and Lamina densa (50nm)
- anchored with complex mesh of connecting tissue via basal lamina. Known as anchoring fibrils (TVII collagen) and anchoring plaques (TVI collagen)
Note: F looks simulate to 7 in your handwriting, P upside down is 6
Bowman’s layer:
a) where found
b) thickness
c) what is it made of?
d) what happens to it at its peripheral and deep borders?
a) immediately beneath basement membrane of cornea
b) 8-10microns thick
c) acellular. = interwoven collagen fibres embedded in intercellular substances. Type 1, 3, 5 and 6 collagen.
d) peripheral borders - ends abruptly at limbus
deep border - merges with substancia propria (aka stroma) of cornea
B looks like 8
Corneal stroma/’substancia propria’
a) what proportion of the corneal thickness does the storm comprise?
b) what is it made of?
c) how many lamellae are there estimated to be? How thick are they?…So how thick does this make stroma?
d) what is the orientation of collagen fibres within each lamella relative to each other?
e) what is the orientation of collagen fibres in adjacent lamellae relative to each other?
f) how are lamellae bound together?
g) how long are the collagen fibres? where are they generally largest?
h) what are the collagen fibres embedded in?
i) which other cells are found in the stroma?
j) which cell type occupies 3-5% volume of the stroma? Where are they found, how are they bound, which organelles do they contain?
a) 90%
b) lamellae of collagen fibres that run parallel to corneal surface
c) 200-250, 2microns thick…400-500microns
d) same direction
e) perpendicular/right angles
f) fibres that pass from one lamella to another
g) 21-65mm **
h) glycosaminoglycans
i) fibroblasts, macrophages, lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes
j) keratocytes **- anterior cornea. Bound by gap junctions. Mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus.
Descemet’s Membrane:
a) What is the thickness?
b) which is thicker, Descemet’s membrane or the endothelium?
c) What happens when Descemet’s is incised?
d) describe it’s microstructure
e) It stains positive with…(which stain lol)
f) What are Hassal-Henle bodies?
g) what happens to Descemet’s membrane at the peripheral corneal margin?
h) What is the anterior border ring of the trabecular meshwork known as?
Descemet’s membrane
a) 10microns
b) Descemet’s
c) curls into anterior chamber
d) hexagonally arranged fine type 4 collagen fibres that are embedded in matrix
e) Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)
f) protrusions of Desmet’s membrane into anterior chamber that are covered with endothelium. Number increases with age
g) terminates abruptly and becomes continuous with trabecular tissue on inner wall of sinus venous sclerae
h) Schwalbe’s line
NB: D=4th letter of alphabet => T4 collagen.
Corneal Endothelium:
a) Describe structure
b) what happens to it at the peripheral corneal border?
c) How are cells connected to one another?
d) what is seen on the cell’s free edge?
e) What is the main role of the cells of the corneal endothelium + how do they do this?
f) how thick is the endothelium?
Corneal Endothelium
a) single layer of polygonal flattened cells who’s plasma membranes interdigitate with one another
b) becomes continuous with endothelial cells that line the spaces of the iridocorneal angle and anterior surface of the iris
c) to control hydration of cornea. Acts as barrier (to limit water from aqueous –> stroma) + has active transport mechanism
d) a few microvilli
e) maintaining normal hydration of cornea: barrier function (tight cell-cell junctions stop water from aqueous) + active transport ( => lots of mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus)
f) 5microns