Cornea Flashcards
What’s a fleischer ring
Base of cone in KC
Bacteria that penetrate the corneal epithelium
Cornyeabacterium Aegyptius (hemophilia) Nisseria Acanthamoeba Listeria Shigella
What’s a stocker line
Head of ptyregium (sTock = pTyregium)
What’s a Ferry’s line
Adjacent to filtering bleb (Ferry = Filtering)
What’s a Hudson - Stahli line
Horizontal line at lower 1/3 of cornea. Normal aging (stAhli = Age)
DDx of prominent corneal nerves
- congenital Glaucoma
- Refsum
- Acanthamoeba, amyloid
- Fuch’s
- Ichthyosis
- KC
- failed PK
- mEn 2b
- neurofibromatosis
- Dry eyes, Drugs
- Aging
- Leprosy (not sure why this is N)
- Trauma
(SnM = sjs, neisseria give membranes)
Strep pyogenes
EKC, HSV OCP, GVHD Chalmydia Ligneous Kawasaki
Conj vessel anneurysms
Fabry's dz Sentinel vessels to underlying melanoma Ataxia telangiectasia SWS Sickle cell DM Gangliosidosis
Angular blepharitis
Moraxella, staph
Candida, rosacea, HSV
Type IV hypersensitivity
Types of chalmydia
A-C Trachoma
Signs of trachoma
“Hey FATSO” (ironic because most people with trachoma are malnournished :(
Herbert pits Follicles sup>inf Arlt's line (cicatrizing conjunctiva) Trichiasis Superior pannus, superior papillae Opacification of cornea
DDx of SPK
- eyelid malposition
- poor eyelid closure
- trichiasis
Poor secretion of tears
- Primary (Sjogren)
- Secondary due to inflammation (Sarcoid infiltration of lacrimal gland)
- Secondary due to drops (anti-cholinergics, anti-histamines)
- infections
- blepharitis
- CL use
- BAK, drop toxicity
DDx of dendrites
HSV VZV Acanthamoeba Healing abrasion CL trauma
Pre-auricular lymph nodes
Parinaud's oculo-glandular EKC HSV Gonorrhea, chlamydia Trachoma Lid cellulitis/dacryoadenitis Newcastle
Definition of Parinaud’s oculo-glandular syndrome
GRANULOMATOUS follicular conjunctivitis with regional lymphadenopathy
Disciform keratitis ddx
early PBK
Acanthamoeba rx
Brolene PHMB Chlorhexidine Neomycin Ketoconazole Doxy (?)
Gonorrhea rx
IV ceftriaxone + bacitracin ointment/vigamox gtts
Co-treat for chlamydia
Chalmydia rx
Erythro oral + ongt
Doxy/azithro oral
Find and treat sexual partners
Parinauds bugs
Bartonella Henslae
Acute follicular conjunctivitis
- Newcastle (lasts 1 week)
- viral (EKC, HSV, VZV)
- bacterial (chlamydia, staph, strep)
- hayfever
- allergy to drops
Chronic follicular conjunctivitis
- Viral (EKC, HSV, VZV)
- bacterial (chalmydia, staph, strep)
- Parinaud’s
- trachoma
- hayfever
- allergy to drops
Papillary conjunctivitis
- Trachoma
- VKC (giant)
- SLK (fine)
- Floppy eyelid
- mucous fishing syndrome
- blepharitis
GPC ddx
- CL (mostly RGP)
- suture
- prosthesis
- other FB
- atopic
Keratinization of conj
Vitamin A Squamous tumors Chronic irritation trachoma OCP, SJS
Nummular keratitis
Keratitis with vestibular symptoms
Cogan's PAN Syphillis Wegener's Sarcoid VKH/SO CPA tumor
Chronic unilateral conjunctivitis
Lid malposition Gtts Bacterial or viral conjunctivitis Parinaud's Inflammatory (episcleritis, scleritis, or AC inflammation) OCP/SJS
Inflammatory conj nodules
Phlyctenule Ptyregium Squamous papilloma, CIN, or SCC Trauma Pyogenic granuloma Epidermal inclusion cyst Dermoid, lipodermoid Nodular scleritis, episcleritis
Filamentary keratitis
Basically the same ddx as dry eye
- eyelid malposition
- poor eyelid closure
Poor secretion of tears
- Primary (Sjogren)
- Secondary due to inflammation (Sarcoid infiltration of lacrimal gland)
- Secondary due to drops (anti-cholinergics, anti-histamines)
- infections
- blepharitis
- CL use
Cicatricial conjunctivitis
- many drops
- Allergy
- sarcoid
- trachoma
- any other infections
- chemical
- mechanical
- post-surgery
Congenital cloudy cornea
G-STUMPED (don’t forget the G!!)
Congenital glaucoma Sclero-cornea Trauma Ulcer MPS (Hurler, Scheie) Peter's anomaly or anterior segment dysgenesis Endothelial dz (CHED, PPMD) Dermoid cyst
Corneal pannus
CL use Trauma (chemical, mechanical) HSV, other infectious keratitis Blepharitis Ptyregium
Corneal crystals
Schnyder’s crystalline dystrophy (assoc with systemic high cholesterol)
Lattice degen (amyloid)
Infectious crystalline keratopathy (strep viridans)
Multiple myeloma
Gout (uric acid crystals)
Keratoconus - associations
Eye rubbing Down's Floppy eyelids Dry eye, blepharitis Atopy, vernal LCA
Blue sclera
Nevus of Ota
Deep nevus/melanoma
Thinned sclera (scleromalacia, necrotizing scleritis)
Connective tissue dz (Ehler’s Danlos, RA, osteogenesis imperfecta)
Vit A deficiency (Bitot spots)
Squamous papilloma, CIN, SCC
Ptyregium, pinguecula
Spontaneous breaks in DM
Trauma (usually vertical for forceps) Congenital glaucoma (Haab striae, usually horizontal) Vogt striae (concentric to cone in KC)
Hydrops from KC
Spontaneous hyphema - adults and kids
- bleeding diathesis
- trauma
- after intra-ocular surgery
- Juvenile xanthogranuloma
- RB
- Leukemia
- Fuch’s hetereochromic iridocyclitis
- Iris nevus/melanoma
- anticoagulants
Diffuse KP
Fuch’s heterochromic iridocyclitis
Infectious keratitis
PK rejection
Chlorpromazine Fabry's disease Amiodarone Indomethacin Chloroquine
HSV vs VZV epithelial keratitis
- dendritis
- terminal bulbs
- bed stains with fluorescein
- edges stain with rose bengal or lissamine green
- may be pseudo-dendrites
- no terminal bulbs
- minimal staining
Copper deposits in cornea
Kayser Fleischer ring
Kayser Fleischer ring
Wilson's dz Copper IOFB Primary biliary cirrhosis Multiple myeloma Lymphoma, leukemia
Guttata ddx
Old age (Hassle Henle bodies) Fuch's old KP pigment from PDS Interstitial keratitis Macular corneal dystrophy
How deep is an LRI
600 um (75% thickness?)
Salmon patch ddx
Lymphoma, lymphoid hyperplasia Amyloid Sarcoid Vascular tumor (cap hemangioma) Amelanotic nevus
Scleritis - risk of untreated dz
DEATH. 25% die in 5 years from systemic disease in necrotizing scleritis
- scleral thinning and perforation
Scleritis - causes
Idiopathic SLE RA Wegener's GCA B27+ PAN Crohn's Infectious (TB, syphillis, HSV, leprosy, HZV)
How do you treat scleritis
Systemic rx needed:
- NSAID if mild
- steroid if more severe
- may need immunosuppression
Sub-tenon steroid is contraindicated (may increase risk of perforation)
Corneal hypoesthesia ddx
HSV, HZV, acanthamoeba Corneal trauma, surgery, PK, Lasik CN V palsy (trauma, tumor, surgery) Congenital (Riley Day) Toxic (chemical burns, crack cocaine use)
Conj melanoma can come from what (and relative %)
From Pam - 67%
from nevus - 25%
de novo - 10%
20-30% of conj pam can become malignant (?)
Neonatal conjunctivitis causes
Viral: HSV
Bacterial: gonorrhea, chlamydia, staph, strep, e coli, etc
Chemical: silver nitrate
DDx of interstitial keratitis
In kenya, cogan saw two laughing hyenas making love
Cogan Syphillis TB Lyme HSV Measles/Mumps LGV, leischmeniasis
Signs of penetrating ocular trauma
Seidel +ve Shallow AC Peaked pupil Iris-K touch in a focal area Extruded eye contents 360 degree sub-conj hemorrhage Low IOP Lens capsule defect Acute lens opacity
What is Giemsa stain for
What is Gomori stain for
What is PAS stain for
Anything with a basement membrane
For a corneal ulcer, what plates/media do you want
Gram stain slides Blood agar (most bacteria) Chocolate agar (Hemophilus, Neisseria) Saborrhaud's (fungi) Thioglycolate broth (anaerobes) Non-nutrient agar with e coli overlay (acanthamoeba) Lowenstein-Jensen (mycobacteria)
How do you classify fungi with examples. What drug is each group most sensitive to
Molds vs yeast
Yeast are septated or non septated
Molds (CC) = cryptococcus, candida. Rx with ampho-B
Septated yeast (FA) = fusarium, aspergillus. Rx with natamycin
Non-septated yeast (MR) = mucor, rhizopus. Rx with ampho-B
All can be treated with the conazoles.
What do you treat dapsone with? What do you have to check first?
OCP or leprosy
Check G6PD first
Who gets infectious crystalline keratopathy?
After PK with chronic steroid use.
Rx with vanco
Levels of evidence
Systematic review with meta analysis RCT Cohort studies Case series Case report Expert opinion
Band keratopathy - local and systemic causes
- phthisis
- IK
- silicone oil
- uveitis
- hypercalcemia
- vitamin D toxicity
- hyperparathyroid
- hypophosphatemia
- milk alkali syndrome
- renal failure
- sarcoidosis
Types of collagen
I - corneal stroma
II - vitreous
III - corneal stromal scars
IV - any basement membrane
What can you get from specular microscopy (3)
Endothelial cell count
Pleimorphism (variation in shapes)
Pleomegathism (variation in size)
Fluorescein vs rose bengal vs lissamine green
Fluorescein - epithelial defects
Rose / green - devitalized epithelium
Wilson’s dz gives you what findings (ocular & systemic), and how to treat
Kayser Flesicher ring & sunflower cataract (same as chalcosis)
Systemic: tremor, dysarthria, ataxia
Rx with penicillamine
What sphingolipidoses give you a cherry red spot
Tay Sachs
(Neimann pick gives you red spot, but it’s a lipidosis)
What are the mucopolysacharidoses and what findings do they give you
All the H’s and S’s
Type I: Hurler, Schie - corneal changes
Type II: Hunter
Type III: San fillipo
All give RPE changes, but only type I give corneal changes too
What are the lipidoses and what do they give you
Fabry’s - corneal verticellata
Gaucher, Neimann Pick - cherry red spot
Grades of chemical damage to cornea/limbus
I - limbus ok, mild epi defect
II - >1/3 limbal blanching. Mild stromal haze
III - >1/2 limbal defect, stromal haze obscuring iris
IV - complete limbal blanching, no view of AC
Dx criteria for Sjogren (4)
- Dry eye (KCS)
- Xerostomia (dry mouth, decreased parotid flow)
- Labial biopsy
- Evidence of systemic dz on blood work (RF, ANA, ANCA, etc)
How do you treat chemical exposure to the eye (immediate vs later vs late)
3 principals to any corneal damage: remove inciting factors, support surface healing, and prevent infection
- flush, flush, flush. Use a q-tip to remove any particles from fornices.
- Lubricate aggressively
- Antibiotics, consider PF
- Collagenase inhibitors (oral doxy, vitamin C)
If not helping:
- consider gunderson flap, amniotic membrane
- lyse symblepharon
- tarsorrhaphy
Long term:
- limbal stem cell transplant
- PK
Squamous tumors of the conj and how to treat them
Benign –> malignant:
- Squamous papilloma: excise with cryo
- CIN: excise with wide margins, cryo to edges, consider MMC/5FU
- SCC: 4 mm margins. Cryo and MMC/5FU
- Mucoepidermoid carcinoma: as SCC but may also need enuc or exenteration if extensive spread.
Compare PAM vs racial melanosis
Racial is congenital in darker skinned people. No chance of malignancy.
PAM is acquired. In lighter skin. 20-30% chance of malignancy - bx if becomes thickened. Otherwise watch it with photos.
How do you manage someone with suspected conj melanoma
Take photos
No touch excision with wide margins
Partial sclerectomy
Watch for recurrences (often amelanotic)
Vascular lesions of the conj
Cavernous hemangioma
Kaposi sarcoma
Describe BCC pathology
Nests of basaloid cells peripheral pallisading Nests pull away from surrounding tissue ("clefting") Low cytoplasm Few mitotic figures
Describe SCC pathology
Eosinophilic cells in nests and strands
Invade through BM into dermis
Intracellular bridges
+ mitotic figures
What is the inheritance pattern of corneal dystrophies (with exceptions)
All are AD except macular AR
What corneal dystrophies go to the limbus
M’s: Macular and Meesman’s
What corneal dystrophies have systemic associations
Lattice type 2 (Meratoja - systemic amyloid)
Schnyder’s Crystalline dystrophy (high cholesterol in 1/3)
What stains for MPS
Alcian blue & colloidal iron
remember because iron is also blue
What stains for amyloid
Congo red & Crystal violent
both are C, and red/violet are similar colours
What stains for hyaline
Masson trichrome
Name 5 anterior corneal dystrophies
ABMD Meesman's Thiel Benke Reis Buchler Gelatinous drop like dystrophy
Name 8 stromal dystrophies
CHSD Schnyder's crystalline dystropher Fleck dystrophy Central cloudy dystrophy of francois Avellino
Name 3 endothelial dystrophies
What is each type of IgG responsible for
IgG - crosses placenta IgM - primary immune response IgA - in tears/secretions IgD - in newborns IgE - mast cells (atopy)
What are the useful HLA associations in ophthalmology
B27 - 4 things (AS, Reiters, psoriatic, IBD)
A29 - Birdshot
B51 - Behcet
PRK contraindications and risks
- thin cornea
- ectasia (KC, pellucid)
- unstable refraction
- dry eye
- current infection
- collagen vascular disease
- pregnancy
- keloids
- ectasia
- corneal haze
- infectious keratitis
- recurrent corneal erosion
- glare
- haloes
- under/overcorrection/astigmatism
LASIK contraindications and risks
- thin cornea
- ectasia (KC, pellucid)
- unstable refraction
- dry eye
- current infection
- pregnancy
- connective tissue diseases
- ectasia
- corneal haze
- infectious keratitis
- glare
- haloes
- under/overcorrection/astigmatism
Flap complications:
- buttonhole
- free flap
- flap dislocation (during or after surgery)
- interface haze
- epithelial ingrowth, fibrous downgrowth
PK storage media
Moisture chamber @ 4 degrees M-K medium Dexol Optisol (*best one) Cryopreservation - forever
Discontinued: K-sol, corneal storage medium (CSM)
Describe epithelial ingrowth and when/how to treat
If advancing to visual axis, causing flap melt, or disloding the flap, raising the flap causing astigmatism, etc.
Raise the flap, irrigate/scrape out the cells, and replace the flap. Some people suture/glue the flap down. Some people scrape off the epithelium overlying the flap area where the ingrowth happened.
Features of VKC
“GLHT-SRK” (bad acryonym, sorry)
Limbal follicles
Horner-Trantas dots
Shield ulcers
Ropy mucous
Filamentary keratitis
Features of trachoma
Herbert pits Follicles sup>inf Arlt's line, cicatricing conjunctivitis Trichiasis, lid malposition Superior pannus, superior papillae Opacification of the cornea
How to treat trachoma
Prevention: clean water, better facial hygiene
Treatment: acutely, can give antibiotics (azithro, doxy, erithro + ongt)
After the scarring has set in: lubrication, fix lid positions, fix trichiasis. Maybe cornea surgery for extensive scarring?
Contrast DLK vs infectious keratitis
1-6 d after LASIK
Eye is quiet, not inflamed
Haze is grainy, like sand. Not dense or confluent
Va may be mildly affected or asymptomatic
Infection: 3-10 d after LASIK angry, red eye with conj injection pain, often decreased va ac rxn, kp visible infiltrate
What is Michaels & Zeuss stain for
When do you use glutaraldehyde for tissue fixation
EM for rhabdomyosarcoma - see cross striations
What are the 4 types of hypersensitivity and give examples of each
I - acute: hayfever, allergy to gtts, vernal, atopic, GPC
II - complement mediated: OCP, Moorens
III - immune complex deposition: SJS, marginal infiltrates, disciform, SEI
IV - delayed: VKH, SO, phlectenules, graft rxn, IK, granulomas
Features of SLK
Super conj: thick, redundant, injected, has PEE that stain with fluorescein or rose
Papillae of superior tarsus
Filamentary keratitis
Associated with thyroid in 50%
70% female
How to treat SLK
Attack the conj:
1 surgical resection
2 chemical cautery (silver nitrate solution, never use the stick… whatever the stick is?!?)
3 thermal cautery
large bandage CL
PK rejection risks
Young age Infectious etiology for PK Non-compliance with therapy Vascularization at the graft-host junction Ongoing AC inflammation Previous rejection
Signs of PK rejection
Stromal edema Endothelial rejection line (Khodadoust line) KP AC rxn High IOP
GVHD features
Dry eye (decreased production)
Cicatrication of the conj, symblepharon
Lid malpositions
Some drugs give optic neuritis (cyclosporine - resolves with discontinuation)
How to treat dry eye
Fix lid malposition Lubricate (gtts, ongt) Punctal plugs BCL serum drops moisture chamber goggles use humidifer at home treat blepharitis (WC, scrubs, doxy) restasis
How do stromal dystrophies present?
Macular - decreased va
Granular - asymptomatic, decreased va, or RCE
Lattice - decreased va