Core Practicals Flashcards
Describe the beetroot experiment before using a colourimeter
Cut the beetroot and dry it
Place it in a test tube
Add 1cm3 of alcohol concentrations 10,20,30,40,50 and leave for 15 mins
OR add 1cm3 of distilled water and place in water baths 10,20,30,40,50 for 15 mins
Remove the beetroot leaving the liquid
Describe the beetroot experiment using the colourimeter
Pour liquid for each testtube into 3 cuvettes, 3 per test tube
Use a cuvette with water to reset
Measure the cuvette making sure the frosted sides are at the side
What does temperature do to membrane permeability?
Increases permeability as enzymes become denatured and leaves holes in the membrane
What does alcohol do to membrane permeability?
Increase it as it dissolves the lipids in the cell so membrane loses its structure
Describe the enzyme practical
Measure out the enzyme concentrations and measure using the colouri