Core Ideas Flashcards
Flexible approach to society, decisions are made on the basis of practicality.
Accumulated wisdom of past societies and the connection between generations.
Human imperfection
Humans are flawed and thus they cannot make good decisions on their behalf.
Organic society/state
Society/state is more important than individual parts.
Benign power exerted from above by the state which governs in the interests of the people.
This seeks to maximise autonomy and free choice, mainly in the economy (neo-liberalism).
Members of society are ranked according to relative status and authority; those below are commanded and those above command.
The power/right to give orders and enforce obedience to decisions.
Change to conserve
The ability of society to adapt to changing circumstances in order to conserve its wider structure.
The main component of society is the individual, however this individual can only flourish when society is orderly and has shared values.