Core English: Grammar And Literary Terms Flashcards
Explain what this is an example of: Sly, selfish Samantha slurped up her spaghetti. Alliteration or onomatopoeia.
This is an example of alliteration. How you would describe alliteration: alliteration is the repetition of constant sounds.
What is an AMBIGUITY?
An AMBIGUITY is when an expression used has more than one meaning. E.G. Do you like him more than me?
Explain what an allusion is.
An indirect, passing reference to something the reader understands. E.G the shower head on Jacob Zuma’s head is an allusion to his statements about A.I.D.S
What is this an example of: Can you plan an evening for Anne?
There’s a repetition of vowel sounds, thus you’d call it assonance.
I CAME, I SAW, I ATE AND THEN I WENT TO BED: what is this an example of?
This is an example of BATHOS which is an intentional or unintentional anti-climax.
“And as Mary exhaled on the glass
She realized that although her house was full
And her stomach was full
And she was warm
She was still very much alone.” - what is this an example of?
This is an example of an ENJAMBMENT. An ENJAMBMENT, in poetry, is run on sentences.
“Unfortunately, just this morning, your grandfather passed away.”
“You’ll be going away for a very very long time.”
“When mommy and daddy love each other very much, they hug each other very tight and-“
- What is all of this an example of?
This is all an example of a EUPHEMISM. A EUPHEMISM is when an inoffensive expression is utilized in place of a blunter one.
This is called a hyperbole. A hyperbole is a bold overstatement. Exaggerated statements or claims that should not be taken literally, they are used to emphasize the absurdity of a situation.
When a teenager asked her mom what she thought of her dress her mom replied, “That’s a lovely swimming top love.” - This is an example of-
INNUENDO which is hinting (normally strongly) at something without actually saying it. Normally sexual, there is a difference though.
An allusive or oblique remark or hint , typically a suggestive or disparaging one.
A man driving a Mercedes and living in a mansion says that he is a very caring man because he recycles, yet his business employs child labour - what is this an example of?
This is an example of IRONY. Not to be confused with sarcasm as it is the use of words, intentionally or unintentionally, in order to express something other than their literal meaning.
Using language that is opposite to the meaning of what you are saying which often involves the use of language with a hidden meaning in addition to the surface meaning.
What is JARGON? (Provide an example.)
These are special words or phrases used bby a certain community, society or profession. An example would be the jargon used in English.
What is litotes?
Litotes is when, through the assertion of a ‘negative term’, a strong ‘positive term’ is expressed. An example would be saying that Khayelitsha is not the safest area in Cape Town.
What is a Malapropism?
(Mom does it often.) A malapropism is when one accidentally mistakes one word for another. An example would be, “Doctor, I have severe pain in my bowls.”
Give an example of meiosis.
Oh, it’s only a scratch - arm is cut from elbow to shoulder.
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is a figurative comparison. “You’re like a gold coin in a muddy lake.” Note that metaphors have a subject - you- and a Comparison -a gold coin.
What is a metonymy?
A symbology. An example would be referring saying that you’re aligned with the crown. The crown refers to the king.
What is a mixed metaphor?
It is when you mix the comparison of a well metaphor with another. An example would be, “If we hit it in the bulls eye, all the dominoes will fall like a freight train.”
What is onomatopoeia?
Onomatopoeia is when the words used sound like the sound an object makes. “-smashed the dumpsters together.”
“Last first kiss.” -what is this an example of?
This is an oxymoron. When a short phrase is made up of words that seem to contradict each other, but make sense.
What is an a “longer version” of oxymoron?
This would be a paradox. This is a phrase that seems as though it shouldn’t make sense, as it is very contradictory, but on closer inspection, it does make sense. Poets often utilize this.
Self contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.
What should one not confuse with allusion?
Parody. This is often an imitation of a style or serious topic username a comedic way. This is often movies eg Scary Movie.
What is pathos?
A deep feeling beyond actually sadness.
What is this an example of?:
“The sky wept and the ground kissed her feet as the sun marveled at her beauty.”
This is personification; given inanimate object or an abstract concept human-like qualities.
“Last night I dreamt that I wrote Lord of the Rings. Turns out I was just Tolkien in my sleep.”
“I went to a Lord of the Rings ice cream bar. I ordered a Frodo yoghurt.”
- What is this an example of?
This is an example of pun. This is a word play involving homophones or homonyms. Using words that have the same sounds but different meanings