CORE 1 SYL TEST Flashcards
Measuring health status
- role of epidemiology
- measures of epidemiology (mortality, infant mortality, morbidity, life expectancy)
RHS: Measures of epidemiology
- what can epidemiology tell us?
- who uses these measures?
- do they measure everything about health status?
Identifying priority health issues
- Social justice principles
- priority pop groups
- prevalence of condition
- potential for prevention and early intervention
- costs to the individual and community
RHS: Identifying priority health issues
- how do we identify
- what role do principles of social justice play
- why is it important to prioritise?
Groups experiencing health inequities
- ATSI people
- SE disadvantaged people
- R&R areas
- overseas born people
- elderly
- people with disabilities
RHS: Groups experiencing health inequities
Research and analyse:
- ATSI people and ONE other groups experiencing health inequities investigating
- nature and extent of inequity
- SC, SE, env determinants
- role of ind, com, gov in addressing the health inequities
High levels of preventable chronic disease, injury and mental health problems
- Cancer (skin, breast, lung)
- mental health problems and illnesses
RHS: High levels of preventable chronic disease, injury and mental health problems
research & analyse: - CVD, cancer, mental health problems and illnesses investigating... - nature of the problem - extent of the problem - risk factors and protective factors - the SC, SE, and env determinants groups at risk
A growing and ageing population
- healthy ageing
- increased population living with chronic disease and disability
- demand for health services and workforce shortages
- availability of carers and volunteers.
RHS: A growing and ageing population
- the health system and services
- health service workforce
- carers of the elderly
- volunteer organisations.
Health care in Australia
- range and types of HF&S
- responsibility for HF&S
- health care expenditure vs
- expenditure on early intervention and prevention
- impact on emerging new treatments and tech on health care e.g. cost and access, benefits on early detection
- health insurance: Medicare & prove
RHS: Health care in Australia
Evaluate: Investigating issues of access and adequacy in relation to social justice principles:
- how equitable is the access and support for all sections of the community?
- how much responsibility should the community assume for individual health problems
- Adv & Disadv of medicare and private health insurance e.g. costs, choice, ancillary benefits
Complementary & alternative health care approaches
- reasons for growth of complementary & alternative health products and services
- range of products and services available
- how to make informed consumer choices
RHS: complementary & alternative Health care approaches
Critically Analyse:
- how do you know who to believe?
- what do you need to help you make informed decisions?
Health promotions based on the five action areas of the Ottawa charter
- levels of responsibility for health promotion
- the benefits of partnerships in health promotion, e.g. government sector, non-government agencies and the local community
- how health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter promotes social justice
- the Ottawa Charter in action