COPD Flashcards
Describe the MRC dyspnoea scale, of grades 1-5
- Not troubled by breathless except on strenuous exercise
- Short of breath when hurrying on a level or when walking up a slight hill
- Walks slower than most people on the level, stops after a mile or so, or stops after 15 minutes walking at own pace
- Stop for breath after walking 100 yards, or after a few minutes on level ground
- Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/ undressing
Pathophysiology of bronchitis
- Acute inflammation of bronchial wall
- Mucous gland hyperplasia + hypertrophy -> productive cough
- Chronic inflammation + fibrosis
Pathophysiology of emphysema
- Permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles
- Destruction of alveolar walls
- Loss of elastic recoil
Difference between asthma and COPD findings on spirometry
Asthma spirometry findings would be better after salbutamol inhaler.
COPD spirometry findings would be the same.
Why are people with COPD at higher risk of pneumothorax?
Rupture of lung bullae (form during emphysema)
Appearance of emphysema on CXR
- lung hyperinflation, barrel chest
- bullae
- saber sheath trachea
Appearance of bronchitis on CXR
- increased broncho-vascular markings
- cardiomegaly
Which vaccinations should be given to COPD patients? How often?
Flu vaccine (yearly)
Pneumococcal vaccine (once)
What pattern of ABG is often seen in COPD patients
Respiratory acidosis
PaCO2 is high
MoA of salbutamol
Short acting beta2 agonist
MoA of salmeterol
Long acting beta2 agonist
MoA of budesonide
MoA of tiotroprium
Long acting muscarinic antagonist
MoA of ipratroprium
Short acting muscarinic antagonist
What happens to MCV levels if someone is a chronic CO2 retainer
MCV (Hb level) increases
Leads to polycythaemia
What encompasses the DECAF scoring system fo exacerbation of COPD
dyspnoea eosinophils consolidation acidosis fibrillation (AF)
add ECG to find out DECAF score
(gives mortality score for acute exacerbation)
What causes RV failure in cor pulmonale
- Chronic hypoxia –> pulmonary artery constriction
- Chronic hypercapnia + respiratory acidosis –> pulmonary vasoconstriction
- Polycythaemia –> increased blood viscosity
Why do people with chronic CO2 retention get polycythaemia
Chronic hypoxaemia causes increased erythropoeitin by kidneys
Symptoms of cor pulmonale
- peripheral oedema
- raised JVP
- systolic parasternal heave
- angina-type chest pain
- loud 2nd heart sound (over pulmonary valve)
What causes a raised carbon monoxide transfer factor (TLCO)
- Asthma
- Haemorrhage
- L to R shunts
- Polycythaemia
What causes a low carbon monoxide transfer factor (TLCO)
everything else that causes lower surface area of alveoli eg COPD, fibrosis, anaemia
Treatment for asthma attack
Oxygen Salbutamol Hydrocortisone Ipratropium (anti-cholinergic) Theophylline (anti-leukotriene) Magnesium sulphate Escalate