COPD Flashcards
GOLD guidelines
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)
GOLD def. of COPD
COPD, a common preventable and treatable disease, is characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and associated with an enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and lungs to noxious particles or gases. Exacerbations and comorbidities contribute to the overall severity in individual patients.
Risk factors for COPD
- Smoking
- up to 25% in US are non-smokers - Environmental Factors
- occupational dusts & fumes, indoor & outdoor pollution, 2nd hand smoke - Genetics
- ~1% = inherited alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency - Other -poor nourishment/socioeconomic status, chronic asthma, repeated lower respiratory tract infections, premature birth
* Cardiovascular disease (most frequent/important)
* Osteoporosis & Depression
* Metabolic Syndrome & Diabetes
* Lung cancer (most common cause of death in mild COPD patients)
* GERD (independent risk factor for exacerbation & associated with worse health status)
Screening & Diagnosis of COPD: COPD should be suspected in any adult over age 40 yrs with…
* Classic Symptoms
- chronic cough, chronic sputum production
- dyspnea–> progressive, persistent & worse on exertion
* Exposure to risk factors for the disease
-smoking hx (>20pack/years), occupational dusts & chemicals
* Family history of COPD (esp. α-1 antitrypsin def.)
should be considered in all patients suspected of (or at risk for) COPD
Spirometry: Parameters Evaluated
* FVC (forced vital capacity)
-max volume of gas (L) that can be expired forcefully after a max inspiration
* FEV-1 (forced expired volume in 1 sec)
-volume of gas (L) expired during the first second of a FVC maneuver (performed 15mins after SABA admin)
Spirometry diagnosis and grading
* Diagnosis: FEV-1/FVC ratio <0.70 (post SABA)
-confirms presence of persistent airflow limitation
* Grading : % predicted FEV-1 (post SABA)
- comparison of patients FEV-1 after bronchodilator to what would be expected based on height, age, sex, and race
- indicates severity of obstruction
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)
* Total lung capacity -amount of air in lungs at full inspiration (increased w/ air trapping-emphysema)
* Residual volume -amount of air left after max expiration (increased with air trapping-emphysema)
* Diffusion Capacity (DLCO) -gas-transfer fxn of lungs, CO used as surrogate for O2, reduced value consistent w/ emphysematous changes
GOLD Grading of airflow limitation
GOLD 1-mild GOLD 2- moderate GOLD 3- severe GOLD 4- very severe
* see chart
Classification of COPD patients
CAT score
COPD assessment test (CAT) questionnaire
Goals for Tx of stable COPD
* Reduce symptoms
-relieve symptoms, improve exercise tolerance, improve health status (quality of life)
* Reduce risk
-prevent progression, prevent & treat exacerbations, reduce mortality
Non-pharm recommendations for stable COPD
* smoking cessation
* vaccinations
* pulmonary rehabilitation
* oxygen
* surgery
Smoking cessation
- 15-25% of smokers develop COPD
- smoking increases the normal decline in FEV-1
- smoking cessation can return decline in FEV-1 to normal (that of a non-smoker)
- smoking cessation = most cost-effective way to reduce risk of developing COPD and stop/slowing its progression, only intervention proven to affect long-term disease progression (decline in FEV-1)
* yearly influenza vaccine
* pneumococcal vaccination (1-time)
\* 65yrs of age and older \* 19-64 yrs of age if chronic lung disease or smoker
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
* comprehensive multidisciplinary program (exercise, smoking cessation, nutrition counseling, education)
* Benefits : ↑QOL, recovery from exacerbation, exercise capacity and possibly survival, ↓hospitalizations, depression/anxiety, and breathlessness
* lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS)→ parts of lungs are resected to reduce hyperinflation
* transplant