COPD Flashcards
What are triggers of Exacerbations?
Bacterial: S pneumoniae, H influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis
Viral: influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, coronavirus
Airborne pollutants, associated with other co-morbidities or non-specific
What are causes of COPD?
Causes of COPD
• Smoking: 90% of COPD are smokers
• Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
• Maternal smoking
Clinical presentation?
Cough + sputum, often white in morning ± blood (streaks presumably)
SOB, often insidious and progressing to intrude on ADLs
Weight loss with advanced disease
Acute exacerbation is
• Worsened SOB
• Worsened cough
• Production of sputum
Lab Ix?
Serum a-1 antitripsin
Radiological Ix?
Diagnosing COPD?
Clinical + PFT obstructive pattern
What is the difference between emphysema and chronic bronchitis?
- Chronic bronchitis: productive cough 3 months for 2 consecutive yrs
- Emphysema: dilation and destruction of air spaces distal to terminal bronchiole
Goals for COPD management?
Two goals: optimise and prevent deterioration
What are the features of polycythemia?
Headache Tinnitus Angina Thrombosis venous Spleenomegaly
How can you classify COPD?
Mild FEV1 of predicted value 60-80%
Moderate FEV1 40-60%
Severe <40%
How would you treat mild COPD?
Non pharm - risk reduction
Optimise function - physical activity
Manage co-morbidities
- short acting reliever: SABA, ipratropium bromide
How do you treat moderate disease?
Same as mild plus
- Refer to pulm rehab
- long acting anti muscarinic (tiotropium bromide) and/or LABA (salmeterol text)
If long acting started stop ipratropium bromide
Prevent Exacerbations
With inhaled glucocorticoids
How do you treat severe?
Same as moderate plus
- consider 02 therapy
- surgery
- palliative
- advanced care directives
What is the risk of achieving a O2 sat of greater than 92 in a pt who’s say 82?
Respiratory centre, centrally is driven by CO2. Peripherally it is driven by O2.
Therefore, 92 is sufficient enough to represent safe level of 02- Hb dissociation curve. But not so high to put CO2 retainers at risk.
CO2 - causes drowsiness and kills you slower than O2 deficiency