Convergence Media Flashcards


Multiplatform viewing
To accommodate the multi-screen audience, marketing agencies and website designers employ user responsive design technology that automatically configures to fit on any screen size and resolution.

Multi-platform also refers to combining several different available forms of storytelling (text, photographs, video, audio, and the use of interactive info-graphics).

Multitasking actually waste more time than it saves, changes the way people think and behave.

The rise of the image accompanies the fall of the word.

social, local, and mobile (SoLoMo) technology

Brands are recognizing the need to
combine digital technology and personal experiences to
effectively connect with consumers

actual physical and
emotional experiences help link the offline and online world and
build loyalty and trust in consumers–something that really didn’t
happen before the influx of digital.

Web users thus can easily
assume the role of image collectors and curators as
they download images and link to them online.

Mitchell’s declaration “the rise of the
image, the fall of the word” reaches
ultimate manifestation in social media.
Digital-centric rollouts

access to user-friendly media-making
tools, including those for digitally editing
photographic and video recordings has
democratized media production.

Social media-based crowd funding has opened new opportunities for independent projects.

“Television viewing has been described, since its origins in the mid-twentieth century, as a medium of distraction.” (Sturken & Cartwright 230)

“It penetrates our minds, psyches, and habitats from the outside, and yet it is part of the inside—as furniture, artifact, and comforting presence. The words and picture may or may not bear relationship to one another, the events on the screen usually bear little relationship to the words spoken, to the person who watches, but—we watch, comforted by the lack of meaning.” (Wolf)

most thinking about a new medium is done in terms of old media.

“… television has gotten to be, at its best, as good as or better than film.
Movies still seem the dominant medium, because they cost more to make
and show in theaters, but many actors and directors …who might once haveconsidered TV a comedown (or an unfortunate return to the place they
started) now embrace it without shame or desperation as an opportunity for
creative work and personal expression… Once a fairly monolithic medium… (television) caters now to myriad smaller but often more intensely dedicated audiences, inspiring a sense of ownership and of community.”!

In 2013, three Netflix shows became the first Internet programs to earn Emmy nominations.

The integration of the Internet and television has resulted in a seismic shift in program
delivery and audience viewing habits. The advent of TIVO, DVR, (binge watching).

Singularity theory of technology is defined as the point in time
when, as a result of an exponential acceleration of technological
breakthroughs, computer intelligence melds with, and even
exceeds human intelligence. These changes are inevitable.



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