Controversy: Efficiency - Dates Flashcards
Anti-Jewish boycott
April 1933
Germany withdraws from the League of Nations
October 1933
Law on the Head of State of the German Reich (proclaims Hitler to be Fuhrer)
August 1934
Reich Local Government Law (gives local Nazi officials more power)
January 1935
Anti-German Stresa Front formed
April 1935
Anglo-German naval agreement
June 1935
Nuremberg rally and passing of the Nuremberg Laws
September 1935
German remilitarisation of the Rhineland
March 1936
Hitler appoints SS leader - Heinrich Himmler - as chief of the German police
June 1936
Hossbach Conference
November 1937
Anschluss with Austria
March 1938
Decree forbidding Jewish doctors from treating Aryan patients (Gerhard Wagner, working towards the Fuhrer)
June 1938
Sudetenland given to Germany (Munich Conference)
September 1938
9-10 November 1938
Goring sets up the Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration and puts Heydrich in charge of it
January 1939
Germany invades the rest of Czechoslovakia
March 1939
Pact of Steel with Italy signed (secured Italian support)
May 1939
The Labour Decree
Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
March 1936
Army swear oath of allegiance to Hitler, under the initiative of General Blomberg
2 August 1934
Newarth is replaced by von Ribbentrop as Foreign Minister
At a Nuremberg rally, Hitler makes an official sanction for more radical anti-Semitic policies.
SD authorised to act outside the Law regarding anti-Semitic behaviour
In this year, Hitler and the Nazis viewed the solution to the Jewish question as emigration to Madagascar or Palestine
Blomberg-Fritsch Affair
Hitler becomes Commander in Chief of the Army, and removes a further 12 army generals (as well as Blomberg & Fritsch)
January 1938 (after the Blomberg-Fritsch Affair)
Hitler ignores aims of the German Foreign Ministry to develop closer relations with the USSR and instead begins to develop hatred for them (interventionist)
Hitler signs the four-power pact (to revise Versailles pragmatically)
Hitler reintroduces conscription despite apprehension from the army leadership
Hitler replaced Newarth as Foreign Minister with von Ribbentrop (Newarth had questioned Hitler’s plans to go to war in the near future, and Ribbentrop, though less experienced, was far more radical)
Anglo-German Naval agreement (permitted G to build a fleet 35% of Britain’s)
By this year, Hitler had rebuilt Germany’s military and diplomatic strength (economy recovered, army increased to half a million, formed key alliances)
Non-agression Pact with Poland (which Hitler undermined in 1939 when he invaded)
Hjalmar Schacht is appointed as Minister of Economics, after previously being President of the Reichsbank
August 1934
Introduction of the New Plan (regulation of trade and currency transactions, Mefo Bills and Bilateral Trade agreements).
Sept. 1934 (after Schacht is appointed Minster of Economics)
Schacht headed domestic policy through Hitler’s ‘divide and rule’ tactic during these years
Schacht forced to resign as Economics Minister and replaced by Walter Funk (far more radical, who then became willing to be subordinate to Goering in the Four Year Plan)
Law on the Head of the State of the German Reich (confirming HItler absorbing powers of Chancellor and Fuhrer as Hindenburg was dying)
1 August 1934
Plebiscite on Hitler becoming Fuhrer where he received 89.9% vote in favour
19 August 1934
Hitler appoints Himmler as head of all police, centralising government and ending the polycracy between party and state (the police no longer served the state but instead to Fuhrer)
June 1936
Hitler authorised Kristallnacht in a private meeting with Goebbels
9 November 1938
By this year, 20 million people had the people’s radio
Hitler’s memorandum where he says that Germany needs to be ready for war in 4 years, initiating spending 2/3 of all industrial investment on rearmament (between 1936-9)
Great German Art Exhibition in Munich (attended by 600,000 people)
Hitler oversees the founding of 125 factory art exhibitions
Night of the Long Knives
30 June 1934
Aktion T4 Programme
‘Law to ensure the unity of Party and State’ (so vague that it was essentially meaningless)
Dec 1933
Law for the Reconstruction of the Reich
Establishment of the ‘People’s Court’ (Nazi jury; legal authorities of the state lost influence to the SS-police system who increasingly acted above the Law)
Cabinet didn’t meet after this date
Labour Front Decree
October 1934
Meeting between Rudolf Hess (who believed Hitler would want all Jews to emigrate) and Ministry of the Interior (who felt they should be kept as hostages) where Hitler didn’t intervene
November 1935