Controlled Drugs Flashcards
Schedule 1 (CD Lic)
Hallocinogenic drugs
e.g. LSD, raw opium, cannabis
- most strictly controlled group
- little or no therapeutic use
- limited to research + other special purposes
- license needed from the home secretary
Schedule 2 CD
Opiates, Major Stimulants, Quinalbarbitone
e.g. oxycodone, methadone + morphine
- Full controls relating to:
- Rx requirements
- safe custody
- record-keeping (e.g. CD register entries)
- License needed for export/import
Schedule 3 (CD No Reg)
Barbiturates, Buprenophene, Temazepam, Gabapentin + Pregabalin
- Controls less stringent than for Sch 2
- Rx requirements
- Safe custody - numerous exemptions
- CD register NOT required
- Invoices retained for 2 years
- Licenses required for import/export
Schedule 4 (CD Benz + CD Anab)
CD Benz e.g. benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, NOT temazepam Sch 3), Sativex (cannabis extracts)
CD Anab e.g. anabolic steroids, growth hormones
No safe custody
No Rx requirements or records to be kept
Import/export license (not for CD Anab for personal use)
Schedule 5 (CD Inv)
Low strength preparations of certain CDs
e.g. co-codamol (paracetamol + codeine)
- Small risk of abuse
- Not include preparations for injections
- Invoices retained for 2 years
Unlawful to be in possession of CDs other than in Schedule 5 unless permitted by:
Home Office Licence
Member of group specified by the Home Office
Member of a class of person specified in the regulations e.g. pracitioners, pharmacists
Regulations provide that possession of a drug/group of drugs is lawful
Legally prescribed
What Schedules must be Safe Custody?
Schedules 2 + 3 must be kept in locked safe, cabinet or room
- Schedule 2 - quinalbarbitone
- Schedule 3: many (Safe custody applies to Temazepam, Diethylpropion + Buprenorphine)
Prescription requirements for drugs in Schedules 2 + 3
Prescriber’s signature
Date (Sch 2,3 + 4)
Address - UK
Total Quantity
Quantity prescribed
Collection requirements of Schedule 2 + 3
Obtain signature from person collecting
Instalment prescription
Requirement to confirm who is collecting
- patient/representative
Controlled Drugs Register requirements
Must be kept for schedules 1 + 2
Electronic/hand-written form
Fror controlled drugs received:
- Date
- Name + address from whom received
- Quantity received
For controlled drugs supplied:
- Date supplied
- Name + address of recipient
- Details of authority to possess - prescriber or license
- Quantity supplied
- Details of person collecting - patient, patient’s rep, HCP
- Whether proof of identity was requested from collector
- Whether proof of identity was provided
Kept for 2 years following
Kept at premises
Indelible - pen markings that cannot be erased
Instalment Prescriptions requirements
- Usual CD Rx requirements
- Date
- Additional detail required:
- amount of instalment
- specified days
- care with days of closure e.g. sundays, bank holidays
Maximum 14 days supply (NHS regulations)