Control system architecture Flashcards
Production scheduling level
Level 4
Production scheduling
production control level which does not directly control the process, but is concerned with monitoring production and monitoring targets
Level 3
Production control
contains the supervisory computers, which collect information from processor nodes on the system and provide the operator control screens
Level 2
Plant supervisory
Contains the industrialised input/output (I/O) modules, and their associated distributed electronic processors
Level 1
Direct control
contains the field devices such as flow and temperature sensors, and final control elements such as control valves
Level 0
Field Level
What HART stands for
Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
What digital systems allow for
Intelligent Device Management (IDM)
- Hybrid analogue and digital protocol
- Uses existing 4-20mA instrument current loops for 2 way communication of additional information
Shares the existing wires
Backward compatible (no rewiring)
Uses conventional analogue signal, information is sent only one way, either from the device to the host (inputs) or from the host to the device (outputs)
Digital information on the other hand, can travel in both directions ising the HART digital communications signal
Primary variable and control signal information on conventional 4-20mA.
Additional information available on the same lines
Advantages of HART
- Allows an instrument that only receives control signal information from a host to also send the host information about that’s happening at the valve
- A transmitter that only sends a process variable to the host can now also receive information such as configuration settings
- Established mature techonology
- Dedicated wiring to each field device avoids knock on effects in the case of a wiring fault
- HART signals can be used for diagnostics/ calibration but 4-20mA is still needed for control
HART applications
- Configuration of the instrument remotely
- Receiving instrument status
- Receiving instrument diagnostics
- Performing instrument troubleshooting
- Gathering additional measurements beyond the analogue signal
Typically a DCS, PLC, or computer based central control or monitoring system
Primary master
Can be connected almost anywhere on the network and communicate with field devices without disturbing communication with the primary master
Secondary masters
only speaks when spoken to by a master
a field (slave) device
… can communicate with slave devices in a HART network at the same time
Two masters (primary and secondary)
Disadvantages of HART
- Costly in terms of cabling, labour and checking of each connection
Do not need a wired infrastructure and can communication both control signals and Intelligent Device Management (IDM)
Wireless Hart