Control, Punishment And Prevention Of Crime Flashcards
What are the 3 ways of preventing and controlling crime?
1). Situational crime prevention =
specific crimes in specific areas.
2). Environmental crime prevention =
zero tolerance.
3). Social and community crime prevention =
dealing with social structure.
What is situational crime prevention (SCP)?
Managing and altering specific crimes in specific areas =
- increase risk of being caught.
- reduce rewards (rational choice).
What are some example of SCP?
1) . Blue lights in club toilets = prevents injecting drugs (can’t see veins).
2) . Spikes in doorways = prevent vagrancy.
3) . CCTV = increases burglar’s effort, decreasing crime.
Evaluate SCP?
1). Explains opportunistic petty street crimes =
but not white collar/corporate crimes.
2) . Violent/drug related crimes are difficult to define as rational choice.
3) . Displacement =
people may commit the crime in a different area.
What is environmental crime prevention?
- ‘broken window’ theory = fixing any disorder before it escalates (immediately).
- absence of informal/formal social control means members of the community feel powerless and intimidated.
What is an example of environmental crime prevention?
Zero tolerance policy =
used in New York and resolved the public’s trust and powerless issues.
Evaluate environmental crime prevention?
1). Zero tolerance fall in New York =
more due to increasing police numbers and increasing employment, rather than a crack down on crime.
What is social and community crime prevention?
Instead of policing crime, this deals with social structures that prevents future crime.
- long-term crime prevention = rather than tackling immediate/short-term crime, it focuses on the root causes of crime.
What is an example of social and community crime prevention?
Increasing employment policies =
- as this is a cause of crime, increasing employment reduces crime rates.
Which approach does each crime prevention measure relate to?
1) . Situational crime prevention = right realism.
2) . Environmental crime prevention = right realism.
3) . Social and community crime prevention = left realism.
What is surveillance?
Monitoring behaviour for the purpose of control =
- observing people to gather data about them.
- using this data to regulate their behaviour.
What theory did Foucault develop?
Panopticon (1977) =
- In his book “Discipline and punish” he contrasts 2 different forms of punishment.
What were the 2 forms of punishment Foucault discussed?
1) . Sovereign power (before 19th Century) =
- the monarch exercised physical power through visible spectacles (e.g. public execution).
2) . Disciplinary power (after 19th Century) =
- seeks to govern not just the body, but also the mind through surveillance (e.g. self-discipline).
What type of power is the Panopticon?
What is the Panoticon?
A design of prison =
- prisoners are visible to guards, but the guards aren’t visible to the prisoners.
What types of surveillance does the Panoticon enforce?
Prisoners behave as if they are constantly being watched =
- self-surveillance + discipline = self-discipline.
What is carceral archiapelgo?
Series of prison islands =
- surveillance is exercised in other institutions, not just prisons (schools, factories, etc).
- disciplinary power is now everywhere in society.
How is Foucault criticised?
1) . He argues the expressive emotional aspects of crime have disappeared =
- some are still expressed emotionally (peado = harsh prison sentence).
2) . He exaggerates the extent of control.
3) . He overestimates the power of surveillance to change behaviour.
What is the issue of CCTV as a form of the Panoticon?
CCTV only reduced crime in car parks =
- may cause displacement.
- CCTV assumes people self-discipline.
- however, Gill and Loveday found that burglars and shoplifters were put off by CCTV.
Who developed the Synopticon?
Mathiesen (1997).
What is the Synopticon?
In late modernity =
- there is an increase in surveillance from the ‘top-down’, and ‘bottom-up’.
- everyone watches everyone.
Whats the difference between the Panoticon and Synopticon?
Panopticon =
allows the few to monitor the many.
Synopticon =
allows everyone to monitor everyone.