Control of Movement Flashcards
8 Steps of Movement Control
1) Visual Info required to locate target
2) Frontal-Lobe motor areas plan the reach and command movement
3) Spinal cord carries info to the hand
4) Motor neurons carry messages to muscles of hand and forearm
5) Sensory receptors in fingers send message to sensory cortex that object has been grasped
6) Spinal cord carries information to the brain
7) Basal ganglia judges grasp forces, and cerebellum corrects movement errors
8) Sensory cortex receives message that cup has been grasped
3 Main functions of Spinal Cord
1) Conducts sensory input from body (periphery) to the brain
2) Conducts motor output from brain to body
3) Acts as a reflex centre for survival
4 Anatomical Aspects of the Spinal cord
1) about 45cm long
2) does not extend entire length of vertebral canal
3) Divided into 31 segments, at every segment, right and left (form sensory and motor, mixed)
4) Covered by meninges
4 Cortical Lobes
Frontal Lobes
Temporal Lobes
Occipital Lobes
Parietal Lobes
Frontal Lobe
motor and executive functions
Temporal Lobe
visual, auditory and gustatory functions
Occipital Lobe
visual functions
Parietal Lobe
tactile functions
3 Main Cortical Areas
Primary Motor Cortex
Supplementary motor cortex
Premotor cortex
Where do phantom limb and homunculus occur
Primary motor cortex
3 Aspects of the Basal Ganglia
- Part of the forebrain
- Responsible for amplitude and direction of movement
- Automatic movements
4 Aspects of the Cerebellum
- 2 hemispheres
- complex movement (timing/coordination)
- balance, posture, stability
- feedback for control of movement