Control Of Breathing Flashcards
What are the two types of stretch receptors involved in protective interruption of respiratory rhythm?
- Slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors
- Rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors
Where are slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors found and what do they do?
• Located within airway smooth muscle
• Only active when tidal volume approaches physical limitations of lung tissue for expansion
• Hering-Breuer reflex protects the lungs by initiating a signal that inhibits inspiration
Where are rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors found and what do they do?
• Dense in the trachea and large airways
• Respond to stimuli (e.g, cigarette smoke, inhaled particles and cold air) by initiating reflexes such as coughing and sneezing by causing bronchoconstriction
What is the difference between central and peripheral chemoreceptors?
• Central chemoreceptors respond only to changes in PaCO2 (through changes in concentration of H+, not directly to CO2)
• Peripheral chemoreceptors respond to changes in PaO2 (mainly, but PaO2 and H+ also stimulate them)
Describe phase 1 of control of ventilation in steady state exercise
Ventilation increases abruptly and as early as in the first breath after exercise has commenced (thought to be controlled by neural mechanisms)
Describe phase 2 and 3 of control of ventilation in steady state exercise
• Phase 2 - ventilation increases gradually
• Phase 3 - steady state is achieved