Contrast sensitivity Flashcards
What is contrast sensitivity (CS) ?
-is the ability to distinguish differences in luminance (e.g., ‘shades of grey’). Crudely speaking:
-While visual acuity (VA) measures the smallest thing you can see [at 100% contrast]
CS measures the dimmest thing you can see
how is CS measured ?
with Pelli-Robson letter charts. Though other tests exist.
Why is CS important ?
- because in real life need to be able to see large, faint objects (i.e., CS), as well as fine spatial detail at high contrast (i.e., acuity) e.g car and road signs
- also many conditions affecting eyes and visual pathways can reduce CS, independent of VA. E.g., amblyopia, cerebral visual impairment, cataract, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetic macular oedema, glaucoma
What can CS also be helpful in ?
for screening for people with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease
What can CS be defined as ?
CS is the smallest difference in luminance between a target and a background that a person can detect reliably (e.g., on 90% of trials)
In a high contrast target- there is a large difference in luminance between target and background
In low contrast target- there is a small difference in luminance between target and background
What is CS known as in perimetry/visual field testing ?
Differential Light sensitivity (DLS)
Why is CS different to measures such as in VA?
-because unlike measures relating to stimulus size (e.g VA) contrast is a relative measure: which is the difference in luminance between the target and it surrounding background
What can CS targets be like ?
can have the exact same target
(e.g same spotted light)- can be high or low contrast in another context but same light
- or can have 2 targets of different luminance , that can produce the same level of contrast stimulus
Why can CS get confusing- ?
because we can sometimes lapse into talking about a target being ‘high contrast’ without any reference to the background. This is often because, by convention, the background luminance is fixed at a particular value for a particular test (e.g., 10 cd/m2 in perimetry).
What is CS ?
luminance difference / luminance average
-depends and varies on the stimulus you are dealing with
When is webers contrast used ?
- if a simple stimulus (where you have a large tand background) - you would express In terms of weber contrast.
- Difference between target & background luminance, relative to background
- Suitable for uniform targets (blobs, letters)
When is michealson contrast used ?
- if you are dealing with something with black and white stripes - like a grating stimulus
- Difference between Min and Max luminance in image, relative to the mean (difference in luminance of black and white stripes )
- Suitable for two-tone targets (stripes)
Difference between Min and Max luminance in image of black and white stripes / average luminance of black and white stripes
What is RMS contrast ?
strange luminance all across the image
- Luminance variability relative to mean luminance
- Suitable for complex images with lots of different luminance levels
What does CS vary with ?
spatial frequencies
What are the CS in relation to spatial frequencies ? (check slide 9)
different spatial frequencies (large bands in low and narrow bands in high)
- the more sensitive you are the more you are able to see higher up in the image.
- you are more sensitive if you are able to see the black and white stripes further up the Y axis and middle regions than in the far left or right
- more sensitive to middling spatial frequencies than to very low or high spatial frequency
What is cs in mathematical terms ?
line which maps a set of inputs (spatial frequency) to a set of outputs (CS)- call it the The Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF)
How is the CSF graph?
- they don’t always plot the whole range- not perfect U shaped- can be like a tail
- The x axis - is spatial frequency – cycles per degree (cpd)
What is 1 degree in CSF graph ?
unit of size- width of your small finger nail at arm’s length
What is 1 cycle in CSF graph ?
1 complete black bar + 1 complete white bar
What is the peak of CSF in healthy adults?
2-4 cpd (cycles per degree)
What does the CSF contain ?
-contains your VA- it is just one point on the CSF
VA is – the smallest thing you can see at maximum contrast- it is in the bottom right of the CSF- where the CSF approaches the x axis-
if you have really good VA it goes more to the right if not then more to the left
slide 12
Why is the CSF an inverted U shape ?
- want to be sensitive to specific frequency
- The envelope of multiple independent spatially-tuned channels
What does a channel mean?
neural circuit responsible for encoiding a certain spatial frequency band- can imagine green dots being photoreceptors – spaced out green spots
What happens if you have a low spatial frequency stimulus?
then might have one receptive field falling on the white path and one of the black etc etc.
What happens if the spacing of your receptive field match the spacing of your stimulus-?
you will see a big signal- big difference between one photoreceptor in a low luminance part and one photoreceptor (spatial receptive field ) in the high luminance path
What happens if the spacing of your circuit- doesn’t match the spacing of the stimulus ?
if you have high spatial freq stimulus- all the receptives field are falling on black parts.- low luminance parts of the signal- going to report no contrast change- big uniform black background
What happens if there is a case where there is lack of correlation and a little bit of a signal?
this population is more sensitive to low spatial frequency
What happens if there is a case where all recpeptive fields are packed closely together ?
more sensitive to high spatial frequency -slide 17-
What happens if you have a low spatial freq stimulus in high spatial frequency wher receptive fields are packed closely together ?
they will see no contrast changes- a uniform black background is seen
Where does the evidence from this come from for these ^^ ?
- Adaptation studies: Repeat exposure to a grating of a particular spatial frequency makes you less sensitive at detecting gratings around that spatial frequency, but not others (a ‘notch’)- if you stimulate neuron it has a refractory period- if you over stimulate it it will struggle to make a.p – so if you keep giving stimulis after a while you become selectively less sensitivie to that stimulus.
- Masking studies: A surrounding ‘masker’ of a particular spatial frequency makes you less sensitive at detecting gratings around that spatial frequency, but not others (a ‘notch’)
What does CSF represent and why is that important ?
multiple distinct channels is clinically important, because it implies that different regions of the CSF can be affected, independent of acuity
What part of the CSF is measured by the Pelli-Robson chart?
Crude answer: The peak of the CSF Long answer: depends how close you stand! ~1.5 cpd at 1m ~0.5 cpd at 33cm ~2.6 cpd at 3m
What is the peak of the CSF is in healthy adults?
3 cpd in healthy adults, so at 3 m it gives a reasonable estimate of peak CS
What can the CSF be reduced down to ?
one number by computing the Area Under the Curve (AUC).
Though again you are throwing away potentially important information about which specific spatial frequencies are affected
What are the different tests for measuring CS?
1. Ohio Contrast Cards (2017) 〈no instruction〉 (clinician judges if infant saw grating) 2. Hiding Heidi (2003) 〈no instruction〉 (clinician judges if infant saw face) 3. Peek Contrast (2019) “Swipe Up/Down/Left/Right” 4. Vistech Contrast Test (1984) “Left, Right, Up, or Blank?” 5. SpotChecks (2020) “Mark each circle with an X” 6. Pelli-Robson Chart (1988) “Read the letters” 7. qCSF (2015) “Press the matching letter” 8. F.A.C.T. (1983) “Left, Right, Up?”
What is an interesting thing about these tests?
They do the same thing
All operate in more or less the same way: Measuring contrast thresholds using Method of Limits (re: earlier lecture)
What tests measure the whole CSF?
qCSF, Ohio, Vistech, FACT
What tests are only intended to measure one threshold (Peak CS), though in principle test could be repeated at different viewing distances?
e.g., Pelli-Robson, Spotcheck, Peek, Heidi
What are some other tests to do to measure peripheral CS?
Visual field tests.
What do most of the tests test for ?
are specially measuring central (foveal) vision
What are some of the new tests that are faster?
Technically some of the newest tests (e.g., qCSF) don’t use Method of Limits, but newer ‘statistical’ methods that are much faster.
Which test is most used in measuring CS?
peli robson chart
How do you measure using peli robson chart ? in detail ?
The clinical Gold Standard for adults
Typically viewed at 1m or 3m
Contrast decreases every 3 letters
Typically scored at +0.05 per letter (or +0.15 per triplet)
A score of 1.95+ indicates healthy vision. 1.5 or less is consistent with poor vision
As detailed previously, at 3m it is designed to test the part of the CSF corresponding to ‘peak CS’ in healthy adults
What are some limitations of the peli Robson chart ?
Requires literacy
Somewhat bulky (re: school screening)
Cannot measure CS at different/specific spatial freqs
Primarily aimed at screening. Perhaps not ideal for monitoring very small changes after time/treatment(?)
what adult conditions associated with reduced foveal CS?
for various kinds fo cataract - right across the spectrum/spatial frequency spectrum
- CS is much lower
-Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
-Diabetic Macular Oedema (DMO/DME)
Also appears to be sensitive to changes in central retinal thickness following anti-VEGF injections for recalcitrant diabetic macular edema
“30 of the eyes had reduced CSF(S) in the absence of marked field or acuity defects.”
-Multiple Sclerosis
Instances of low and/or mid-frequency loss, with acuity spared
“Patients with below average contrast sensitivity function at the time of diagnosis showed higher risk of cognitive decline requiring anti-dementia drugs (adjusted odds ratio = 4.68, p = 0.04) and of visual hallucinations (adjusted odds ratio = 12.54, p = 0.04) than those above average function during the follow-up”
What are some childhood conditions associated with reduced (foveal) CS
amblyopia optic neuritis congenital hypothyroidism retinitis pigmentosa cataract corneal edema cerebral lesions
What does the CSF vary with ?
-Varies with eccentricity
-Varies with age
-Varies with lighting level
-Varies with stimulus size
-Varies with species
What else can CS be?
not just spatial can be temporal.
for e.g rather than making stripes narrower, we can vary the rate at which we flash the stimulus on-off at
-Just as we are selective tuned to be most sensitive to a particularly spatial range (~4 cpd), we are most sensitive to a particular temporal frequency (~4 Hz)
What else can the CSF measure ?
- The spatial CSF also doesn’t have to involve differences in luminance.
- Can also measure sensitivity to colour contrast