Contrast Coding Flashcards
Why use contrasts?
Dummy coding may not reflect our hypothesis - override what dummy coding gives you
Control error rates at 5% - significance tests are not independent of each other so error rate escalates
What are the options for exploring differences between means?
Orthogonal contrasts/contrast coding:
hypothesis driven, planned what you are doing prior
Post hoc tests:
not planned, no hypothesises, compare all means, multiple t tests with adjusted p values
Trend analysis - only useful for ordered means
What is the basic idea of planned contrasts?
The variability explained by the model is due to ppts being assigned to diff groups, this variability can be broken down further to test specific hypotheses - break down variance according to hypothesis made before experiment - break down SSM more, dividing up a cake
What are the assumptions?
Independent - to control type 1 they must be independent contrasts, testing unique hypothesis, only use a group once. e.g. if you cut a piece of cake off, can’t re stick it
Only 2 chunks - each contrast should only compare two chunks as can make clear interpretations about the findings
K-1 - should end up with one less contrast than the number of groups you started with
Choosing contrasts
Usually, the first contrast will compare any control conditions to any experimental ones
Rules of contrast coding
1 - groups coded with positive weights compared to groups coded with negative weights
2 - choose the magnitude, weight assigned to the group should be equal to number of groups in opposite chunk
3 - the sum of weights for a comparison should be 0
4 - if a group isn’t involved, assign it a weight of 0
What line do you read from in SPSS?
Do not assume equal variances - corrects for the amount of heteroscedasticity
When do we use post hoc tests?
In the absence of specific hypothesis - comparing every mean against each other
What are the problem with post hoc tests?
Not very scientific, better to be theory driven
Inflates the type 1 error - we want to only make mistakes 5% of the time but with every test, it mounts up increasing the rate. 5 groups = 10 tests = 40% error
What is the solution for post hoc tests?
Be more conservative - adjust the alpha level
a = alpha level divided by number of tests
but losing power to detect differences