Contracts Flashcards
legally enforceable agreement between 2+ persons as to something that is to be done in the future by one or both of them
Types of K
express= formed by words
implied in fact= created by conduct
Bilateral K= promise in exchange for a promise
Unilateral K = promise in exchange for performance (completion of performance is acceptance of the offer, when offeree tenders/begins requested performance offeror becomes bound and can’t revoke)
Option K= offeree gives consideration for offeror to not revoke offer for period of time
One who regularly deals in goods of the kind sold or who otherwise by their profession holds themselves out as having special knowledge or skills s to the practices or goods involved
Mixed good/ service K test
Nature of business
Intrinsic value of material (greater cost alone insufficient, separation is key)
manifestation of intent to be bound/ enter into a bargain , Create a reasonable expectation in the offeree that offeror is willing to enter into a K on basis of the offered terms
Ads, circulars, form letters, etc. is not an offer
ad = invitation to an offer
Exception to broad audience
- bait &switch
1st come 1st serve while they last, subject to prior sale
Reward offer
material / missing terms
should include : Offeree’s name, Offer’s subject matter, and Price
Fact that 1 or more terms are left open doesn’t prevent the formation of a K if it appears that the parties intended to make K and there is a reasonably certain basis for giving a remedy
land sale offers= must include price and description of land
sale of goods= must include quantity or way to determine quantity
requirement K
B promises to buy a certain seller all of goods the B requires, and S agrees to sell that amount to B
output K
S promises to sell to B all of the goods that S produces and B agrees to buy that amount from the seller
employment K
Where no duration is stated courts will not supply reasonable term of employment but will instead find “at will” contract
“At will” contract means employee or employer can terminate contract at any time
Termination of an offer
Traditional view= an offer can be revoked at anytime b4 acceptance even if offer says offer will remain open ( except: consideration, option K)
Revocation Process
Can be revoked through words or conduct (act inconsistent with offer)
Must be communicated to the offeree directly by offeror OR indirectly by reliable 3rd party
Must be communicated by a comparable medium 🡪 does not have to be the same but it should be done to reach same audience that the offer was sent to
NOTE: revocation is generally effective when received by the offeree/ when published
events that terminate
By operation of law
Death or incapacity of offeror :offeree does not need to be aware
Destruction of the proposed contract’s subject matter OR
Supervening illegality
Offer will lapse at the end of the time stated 🡪 if none stated, offer will lapse after a reasonable time (time may vary depending upon the circumstances)
At the end of face-to-face or telephonic conversation (unless contrary indicated)
Specified event 🡪”Subject to prior sale” (if there is a prior sale then the occurrence of that event will terminate the offer)
Rejection & counteroffer
Offeree doesn’t want terms of offer they want new terms they have specified
Counteroffer terminates the original offer and offeree becomes offeror, can’t go back to original offer b/c it no longer exists
doesn’t make a counteroffer
Grumbling Acceptance: A person is complaining about the terms of an offer. (“price to high” , “would you take $100”)This does not terminate the offer and is not considered a counteroffer/rejection, can still come back and accept
Inquiry: This is just a question. It does not terminate the offer and is not considered a counteroffer/rejection, can come back and still accept
rejection is effective when received by offeror exception
Rejection of a counteroffer to an option doesn’t constitute a termination of the offer
Offeree free to accept original offer w/i the option period unless offeror has detrimentally relied on the offer’s rejection
Mailbox Rule
General rule acceptance effective when mailed
Must be reasonable means and properly mailed
Effective even if never received by offeror
exception : offeror must receive by x date= effective when received (option K effect when received)
vacilitating offeree
sending both acceptance and rejection = whichever received 1st applies
If offeror relies on rejection, offeree estopped from asserting MBR-no K
If MBR applies-K
. Examples:
Acceptance mailed, rejection mailed, rejection received, acceptance received= no K
Acceptance mailed, rejection mailed, acceptance received,rejection received= K
firm offer ( offer is irrevocable if)
offer by a merchant to buy or sell goods in a signed writing and the writing gives assurance that it will be held open =
irrevocable for time stated or if no time stated, reasonable time not to exceed 3 mos. ( revocable offer if beyond 3 months
Under article 2 if the term of an offerassuring that the offer will be held open is on a form supplied by the offeree, that term must be separately signed by the offeror ( by initialing that sentence) to be enforced as a firm offer
Detrimental reliance
When offeror could reasonably expect that the offeree would rely to their detriment on the offer, and offeree does so rely
Offer will be held irrevocable as an option contract for a reasonable length of time
manifestation of assent to an offer
Power of acceptance created by an offer
must be unequivocal and unqualified in order for a contract to be formed
Objective test= action and conduct/words
offers to buy goods for current or prompt shipment
Accepted by either a promise to ship or by a shipment of conforming or nonconforming goods
Shipment of nonconforming goods is an acceptance creating a bilateral contract as well as a breach of the contract unless seller seasonably notifies the buyer that a shipment of nonconforming goods is offered only as an accommodation
Not required to accept can reject
Battle of the forms
applies to K for sale of goods
Knockout rule:
different terms cancel each other out and do not become part of K
If applicable, replaced by supplementary terms
additional terms show up in only one form and not the other
- Additional terms become a part of the contract between merchants unless…
The offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer
They materially alter it
Notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is given
bargained for exchange b/n parties and there is legal value
no bargained for when one party gives a gift to another
peppercorn theory= virtually anything can serve as consideration if bargained for
past consideration is not consideration
preexisiting legal duty is not considertaion
new/ different consideration is promised
promise is to ratify a voidable obligation
Preexisting duty is owed to a 3rd person rather than promisor
Honest dispute as to duty or
Unforeseen circumstances insufficient to discharge a party
illusory promise
Promissory language but promisor not bound
Promise v. expression of intention
has to be present act
Forbearance as performance
promisee agrees not to sue promisor in exchange for promisor’s promise to settle claim outside of court is consideration if
Genuine dispute or
Claim was asserted in good faith
modification of K ( consideration )
GR: K can’t be modified unless modification supported by new consideration
CL: modification w/o consideration if
- Modification is due to circumstances that were unanticipated by parties when the contract was made
-It is fair and equitable
UCC: no consideration needed if dealing in good faith
discharege of debt ( modification of K)
through accord and satisfaction
Promissory estoppel
Basis is for enforcing promise where no consideration
Enforceable if necessary to prevent injustice if
The promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance and
Such action or forbearance is in fact induced
Mental incapacity (defense)
Group who can avoid liability or disaffirm
K voidable
Effective unless disaffirmed
Only mentally incapactitated ( or representative) can disaffirm
Any time while incapacited or w/n reasonable time after coming into lucid state
Must return item or make restitution
minor must disaffirm w/n reasonable time of reaching age of majority
- liable for necessaries
- don’t have to make restitution
duress( conduct as justification for nonperformance)
wrongful (unlawful) or improper act or threat that leaves party w/ no reasonable alternative but to acquiesce
Threat to initiate a criminal prosecution solely for personal gain = improper
Economic duress ( business compulsion )
Financial circumstances presented no reasonable alternative but to agree
Other side caused financial hardship or contributed to financial hardship
misunderstanding (K defense)
ambiguous contract language
Includes term with at least two possible meanings, the result depends on the parties’ awareness of the ambiguity
Neither party aware= no K unless both parties intended same meaning
Both parties aware= no K unless both parties intended same meaning
One party aware= binding contract based on what the ignorant party reasonably believed to be the meaning of ambiguous words