Contracts Flashcards
acronyms for writing essay in order
Formation: ACD (all contracts don’t stink)
- agreement
- consideration
- defenses to formation (misunderstanding, incapacity, mistake, fraud/misrepresentation, duress, illegality, unconscionably)
- statute of frauds (enforceability)
statute of frauds: M SOUR
- marriage
- suretyship (unless paying off someone’s debt for own economic advantage)
- one year (no possible way)
- satisfied by: full performance (not part) by either side OR writing (parties & essential elements) - UCC (goods $500+) (custom-made goods exempted)
- satisfied by signed writing (don’t need price, must mention quantity) OR judicial admission OR
- merchants: failure to object to confirming memo within 10 days - real property (transferring interest, not building)
- satisfied by signed writing OR part performance + 2/3 possession, payment, improvements to land
performance: PWCE (pizza with crawling
1. parol-evidence rule
2. warranties
3. conditions
4. excuse (impracticability, frustration of purpose)
applicable law
*always start by discussing this
the UCC governs all contracts involving the sale of goods, and common law rules govern contracts involving services
mixed contract: when a contract includes both goods and services, whichever one predominates will determine the governing law (exception for divisible Ks)
merchants: in addition, special rules apply to merchants under the UCC. a merchant includes not only a person who regularly deals in the type of goods involved in the transaction, but also any business person when the transaction is of a commercial nature
formation of contract
a valid contract requires offer, acceptance, and consideration
- an offer requires a promise, terms, and communication to the offeree
- promise: a statement indicating a present intent to enter into a contract
- CL: all essential terms must be provided (parties, subject matter, price, quantity)
- UCC: only essential term is quantity (don’t need price, court will gap fill other missing terms)
- requirement/output contracts don’t need quantity (buy/sell as many as need from specific person)
- the offer must be communicated to the specific offeree (she must know of the offer)
- ads generally are not offers unless specific & limit who may accept the offer (contest/reward offers)
unilateral/bilateral offer:
- bilateral contract: parties exchange promises, can be accepted by promise OR beginning of performance
- unilateral contract: offeror makes promise and offeree must perform (only accepted by complete performance)
*A “general offer” is an offer made to a large number of people, generally through an advertisement. A general offer can be revoked only by notice that is given at least the same level of publicity as the offer
irrevocable offers
offers are generally revocable prior to acceptance, but can be irrevocable under certain circumstances:
- CL option contract: an offer where offeror promises to hold offer open for certain period of time, offeree must pay consideration to offeror to hold offer open
- UCC merchant’s firm offer: an offer in writing (signed by offeror) where offeror explicitly promises to hold offer open for certain period of time (max 90 days), no consideration required
–> [A firm offer in a form prepared by the offeree, however, must be separately authenticated by the offeror to protect against inadvertent signing.]
* option offers don’t expire upon death - unilateral K when offeree started performance
- detrimental reliance: offeree reasonably & detrimentall relies on offer in foreseeable manner (general contractor/subcontractor K)
termination of offer
- revocation of offer:
- can be terminated if offeror revokes offer prior to acceptance
* either express or constructive revocation (offeree learns offeror has taken an action absolutely inconsistent with continuing ability to contract)
- revocation is effective when received (mailed revocation not effective until received) - rejection by offeree
- counteroffer by offeree
- lapse of time
- if not accepted within reasonable amount of time - death: if offeror dies before offer is accepted
acceptance is the objective manifestation by the offeree to be bound by the terms of the offer
bilateral or unilateral K:
- bilateral K can be accepted by promise OR beginning of performance
- unilateral K can only be accepted by complete performance
manner of acceptance
- any reasonable means of acceptance is allowed; unless the offer limits the means of acceptance
- silence is generally not acceptance unless 1. offeree has reason to believe offer could be accepted by silence, was silent, & intended to accept offer by silence, or 2. bc of previous dealings/pattern of behavior
- implied-in-fact contracts: communicate acceptance without writing or speaking; by gestures/actions (walking into haircut place and sitting in chair)
- if seller tries to accept by shipping the wrong goods, UCC treats this as acceptance plus breach (unless sent as “accommodation”
- under the UCC, if acceptance is conditioned upon the offeror’s assent to the offeree’s additional terms, then it is not an acceptance, but rather a rejection and counteroffer
counteroffers & mirror image rule
CL: mirror image rule:
- acceptance must mirror the terms of the offer
- any changes/additions to the terms constitutes a rejection of the original offer and is a counteroffer
UCC 2-207: acceptance (or confirming memo) with changes/additions is valid acceptance
additional term only comes in if:
- both parties are merchants
- new term doesn’t materially alter the deal
- initial offer didn’t expressly limit acceptance to its terms, &
- offeror doesn’t reject/object within reasonable time to new term
different term: knockout rule:
- majority: knock out both different terms; neither term governs & general gap-filling provisions of UCC will apply
- minority: initial offer controls the terms
mailbox rule
acceptance is valid when placed in the mail
1. offeree sends something else first (rejection, counteroffer)
2. other types of communications (revocations, rejections) - mailbox rule doesn’t apply if offer is revocable
3. option Ks (if there’s an option contract or firm offer, acceptance is valid when received and must be received before offer expires)
4. unclear whether applies to other media
requires a bargained-for change in the legal position btw parties. most courts find consideration if there’s a detriment to the promisee, regardless of the benefit to the promisor. a minority of courts look to either a detriment or a benefit, not requiring both
*gift promises & conditional gifts are not consideration
legal detriment: can take the form of a promise to do/not do something, or performance/refraining from performance
adequacy of consideration: court will look at adequacy of consideration (e.g. monetary value of items being exchanged), pretense is insufficient
*past consideration is not consideration
- illusory promise: no consideration if promise to sell “if you feel like it”
- there must be a way for promissor to breach
- satisfaction Ks are not illusory
- consideration can be promise not to sue if good faith belief in claim or uncertain law
- no consideration required for promise to pay a debt after SOL has run
consideration-related issues
-preexisting duty rule
-past consideration
-promissory estoppel
- gift: a gift from one party is not supported by consideration (receiving party not suffering legal detriment:
- preexisting duty rule: promise to perform preexisting legal duty is not consideration bc promisor is already required to perform (no additional legal detriment)
- past consideration: a legal detriment incurred in the past does not constitute consideration bc it was not bargained for and it was not in exchange for a legal detriment in return
-BUT modern trend for moral consideration/material benefit rule: a promise not supported by consideration may be enforceable if it is made in recognition of a significant benefit previously received by the promisor from the promisee.
–>This rule does not apply if the promisee conferred the benefit as a gift to the promisor.
–>The court may also reduce the amount of money owed under the promise if it is disproportionate to the benefit conferred by the promisee. - promissory estoppel (consideration substitute): if a promise is made by a party, but no consideration provided by both sides, promise still enforceable if certain conditions are met:
a. promisor should reasonably expect the promise to induce reliance,
b. the promisee takes detrimental action in reliance on promise, and
c. injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise
- -> the damages awarded under promissory estoppel are usually limited to reliance damages (money spent on reliance of the promise)
*A charitable subscription—i.e., a written promise to contribute money or property to a charitable institution—is enforceable on promissory-estoppel grounds without proof of detrimental reliance or substantial injustice. All that is needed is proof that the promisor reasonably expected to induce reliance on the promise.
defenses to formation overview
- misunderstanding
- incapacity
- mistake
- fraud/ misrepresentation/ nondisclosure
- duress (economic & undue influence)
- illegality
- unconscionability
a belief that’s not in accord with a present fact
mutual mistake: allows adversely affected to rescind if:
- there is a mistake of fact, existing at the time the deal is made,
- the mistake relates to a basic assumption of the contract and has a material impact on the deal, and
- the impacted party did not bear the risk of mistake
- reformation: the parties can ask a court to reform the K and rewrite it to reflect the correct elements
unilateral mistake: allows adversely affected party to rescind if:
- she can prove all elements of mutual mistake, and
- either:
a. mistake would make contract unconscionable, or
b. the other side knew of, had reason to know of, or caused the mistake
(& fraud in the execution + non disclosure)
party must show:
- misrepresentation of a present fact (not opinion, at the time of contracting)
- that is material OR fraudulent (intentional), and
- that is made under circumstances in which it is justifiable to rely on the misrepresentation
fraud in the execution: trick someone into signing something they don’t even know is a contract
nondisclosure: other party doesn’t learn the truth about something, but now you just remain quiet
- usually you don’t need to tell other side about all material facts related to deal
- exception: special relationship or active concealment
undue influence
occurs when a party unfairly persuades the other party to assent to a contract
this can occur in certain relationships where the innocent party is susceptible to persuasion
when a party is improperly threatened and has no meaningful choice but to agree
(Economic or physical)
certain parties are considered to be incompetent to enter into a contract:
- minors: under 18
- mentally ill
- can’t understand nature & consequences of actions, or
- can’t act in reasonable manner in relation to transaction (if other side knows/has reason to know) - intoxicated people (if other side knows/has reason to know)
if make K with incapacitated person:
- contract is voidable: incapacitated person can disaffirm
- but still liable for necessities that they contract for (housing, food, clothing)
- party without capacity can ratify deal by keeping benefits of K after capacity is obtained
- parties use a material term that is open to two or more reasonable interpretations
- each side attaches a diff meaning to the term, &
- neither party knows, or should know, of the confusion
a court will not enforce a contract that involves illegal consideration or performance
*but a contract entered in furtherance of an illegal act (that’s not itself illegal) will still be enforced
*A party to an illegal contract may recover restitution damages if that party conferred a benefit on the other party and (1) was justifiably ignorant of the facts that made the contract illegal, (2) was less culpable than the other party, or (3) withdrew before the contract’s illegal purpose was achieved and did not engage in serious misconduct.
a court will not enforce a contract that is so unfair, no reasonable person would agree to it
if a court finds unconscionability, it can refuse to enforce the entire contract, or strike the unconscionable portion of the contract, or limit the unconscionable terms
procedural unconscionability:
- bargaining process leading to formation of K is unfair
- e.g. if party is in superior position and takes advantage of this position
substantive unconscionability:
- occurs when actual terms of the contract are unfair
- there must be a significant showing of unfairness in the contract to find this
statute of frauds
approach to SOF:
- determine whether the SOF applies to the K
- if SOF applies, determine whether the requirements (written, signed by party to be charged) are met
- if requirements are not met, discuss exceptions (part/full performance, estoppel)
types of contracts SOF applies:
- marriage (prenup)
- suretyship (if main purpose in agreeing to pay off another’s debt is for the surety’s own economic advantage, then not in SOF world)
- contracts (usually for services) that cannot be performed within one year of making (impossible)
- sale of goods (UCC) for $500 or more, and
- real property (interest in)
- leases of less than 1 year are usually not in SOF world
- there must be a writing signed by the person to be charged (the person against whom enforcement is sought) that contains the essential terms of the deal
- the writing does not have to be a formal contract (can be letters/receipts) and multiple writings can be put together to meet the requirements, as long as they reference each other
*important: the writing does not have to exist at the time of the promise; it can be created after the promises are made and still meet the SOF
exceptions to SOF
*if SOF is not met, a court will still enforce the contract in limited circumstances
- contracts (usually for services) that cannot be performed within 1 year of making
- full performance has occurred - UCC sale of goods $500+
- if full performance by party seeking to enforce (goods fully delivered/paid for), K fully enforceable
- if part performance (part of purchase price paid), K enforceable to the extent the money has been paid
- no writing required if K involves specially manufactured goods for buyer (satisfies when makes substantial beginning toward manufacture)
- confirmatory memo: both parties are merchants, one party sends confirmatory memo to other who knowingly receives it & doesn’t respond within 10 days; K enforceable against receiving party, even if it didn’t sign the memo - sale of land
- part performance: if K involves the sale of land, K enforced if at least 2 of 3 acts have occurred:
a. purchaser pays part or all of purchase price,
b. purchaser takes possession of land, or
c. purchaser substantially improves the property - estoppel (applies to all K types)
- if a party reasonably and detrimentally relies on a promise made by the party to be charged, a court may enforce the K, despite the failure to meet the SOF
*equal dignity rule: need signed writing to authorize an agent to form a K that’s within SOF world
after a valid K has been formed, any change to terms is a modification, both parties must agree
CL: modification must be supported by consideration
- watch out for offers to pay more money to complete on time (pre-existing duty rule)
- exceptions: 1. change in performance, 2. third party promising to pay, or 3. unforeseen difficulties that would excuse performance
- unless destroy original K before enter into new one lol
UCC: modification doesn’t require additional consideration as long as modification is entered into in good faith by both parties
*a provision prohibiting oral modifications to a sales contract is valid under the UCC
SOF: if the modified K falls within the SOF, it must be in writing (unless exception)
accord & satisfaction
the parties to an earlier K agree that performance will be satisfied instead by the completion of a diff performance
the “accord” is the new performance
the “satisfaction” is the excusal of the initial performance obligation (the diff performance is completed by the other party)
if the accord is not performed, the other side can sue on either the original obligation or the new promise
*consideration is met: the party performing diff performance is incurring a legal detriment; the party agreeing to accept diff performance is giving up right to dispute original K and sue for breach
*Where the new consideration is worth less than what was agreed to in the original contract, it will be sufficient only if:
-there is a good-faith dispute as to the amount owed OR
-the new consideration is of a different type than what was owed under the original contract (e.g., goods in lieu of cash).
*Under an accord and satisfaction, a party can fulfill its contractual obligation by rendering different performance than the one initially promised. This can be accomplished through a negotiable instrument (e.g., check) if three conditions are met:
1. the obligation is unliquidated (i.e., uncertain in amount) or otherwise in dispute
2. the obligor, in good faith, tenders the negotiable instrument with a conspicuous statement that the instrument is tendered as full satisfaction of the obligation and
3. the obligee obtains payment of the instrument (e.g., by cashing the check).
parol evidence rule
under the PER, extrinsic evidence of oral or written communications prior to the written contract are generally inadmissible for contradicting the terms of the contract
-first, court will ask if writing in question was intended to be final agreement (does it integrate) the terms of the K
- if K is not integration (not final agreement), PER doesn’t apply
- total integration: if the writing contains all the terms of the agreement, total agreement & no parol evidence is admissible
- partial integration: if the writing contains some of the terms of the agreement, it’s a partial integration and parol evidence is admissible as long as it’s consistent with the writing (doesn’t contradict any of the terms)
- determining total or partial integration: court will look at the words in the K to determine if the parties intended for it to be a total/partial integration
- -> merger clause: if K has a merger clause stating that K is final & complete understanding of the parties, it’s likely to be total integration
- -> also ask whether under circumstances, extrinsic term would’ve naturally been omitted from the writing (then may be introduced if doesn’t contradict writing)
- -> UCC is more forgiving, presumes writing is partial integration (unless parties would’ve certainly included term or is merger clause)
exceptions to PER
- remember: the PER doesn’t prohibit evidence of modifications or statements made AFTER the contract was written
1. will not bar evidence relevant to a defense against contract formation (duress, mistake, fraud, etc)
2. ambiguity & interpretation: evidence is admissible for purposes of interpreting or clarifying an ambiguity in the contract
3. collateral deal: evidence of a separate deal btw the parties is admissible, if the deal is not part of the written contract
4. UCC: evidence of usual performance and dealing btw parties is admissible
5. condition precedent: evidence of a condition precedent to the existence of the contract is admissible
performance of the contract overview
*after determining the existence of a contract and the terms of the contract, the next issue is the performance of the contract
- promise or condition
- discharge of duty to perform
condition overview
a condition is an event that must occur before a party’s contractual right or obligations are created, destroyed, or enlarged (if condition not met, may be no K at all)
conditions can be express or implied
condition precedent: condition must occur before other party has obligation to perform
condition subsequent: if condition occurs, duty to perform will be excused