…gives muscle its muscle its striated appearance
The light band(I) and the dark band (A)
The length at which actin finally overlaps the myosin is…
Skeletal muscle is composed of fibers that are …um in diameter
The small unit of muscle fibers are
sarcomalemma, myofibril,sarcoplasmic reticulum
The true membrane of sarcomalemma is called..
Plasma membrane
…is the cell membrane of muscle fibers
The outer coat of sarcomalemma contains thin polysaccharide that contains…
Thin collagen fibrils
The surface of…fuses with tendon fiber at the end of each muscle fiber
Myofibril consist of
Actin and myosin
….are the large protein polymer that is responsible for the actual muscle contraction
Actin and myosin filaments
… interdigitate and cause the myofibril to form light and dark band
Actin and myosin filaments
The light bands and dark band are … respectively
Actin and myosin
Light band are called …. because of..
(I) band because they are isotropic to polarized light
Dark band are called… because they..
(A) because they Anisotropic polarized light
What produces muscle contraction
The interaction btw actin and cross -bridge
The small projection from the side of myosin is …
…is a disc composed of filamentous protein that help attach myofibril from one another across the muscle fibers
Actin filaments is attached to…disc which the actin interdigitate with myosin
Skeletal muscle is about ..%of the body while smooth and cardiac muscle are about…%
40 and 1O respectively
The portion of myofibril that lies between two successive Z disc is called
As the muscle contracts the sarcomeres reduces by…
…is the filamentous protein with the largest MMW of 3million
Titin protein
The largest filamentous protein is
Titin protein
Titin protein is …in nature
What’s the function of titin protein
It acts as a framework that holds the myosin and actin together in place so that the contractile machinery if sarcomeres will work
The space between myofibrils that are filled with intracellular fluid is …
Sacroplasm contain large qty of
Potassium, magnesium phosphate, multiple protein enzyme and mitochondria
… supplies the contracting myofibril energy in form of ATP
The sarcoplasm that surrounds the myofibril contains …that control the muscle contraction
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
How many mechanisms are involved in muscle contraction
8 steps
The neurotransmitter secreted by nerve at each endings on muscle fibers is
What is the function of acetylcholine
It acts on a local area of the muscle fibers membrane to open multiple acetylcholine gated channels through protein molecules floating in the membrane
Na ions that diffuses inside the muscle fibers membrane initiate ..
Action potential at the membrane
Opening of acetylcholine gate allows…
The diffusion of Na ions
Where is calcium stored …
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
… depolarizes muscle membrane and causes electric flow through the counter of the muscle
Action potential
The removal of calcium causes myofibril to
Muscle contraction occurs by… mechanism
Sliding filament mechanism
The interaction of myosin cross-bridges with actin filaments causes the actin filaments to slide.. . among myosin filaments
… activates the forces btw actin and myosin filaments which causes contraction to begin
Calcium ion