Contract Formation: Requirement that No Defenses Exist Flashcards
What are the categories of defenses to contract ?
- Absence of Mutual Assent
- Absence of Consideration
- Public Policy Defenses - Illegality
- Defenses based on Lack of Capacity
- Statute of Frauds
- Unconscionability
What types of defects can lead to an absence of mutual assent?
- Mistake of Fact
- Misunderstanding (ambiguous contract language)
- Misrepresentation
What is the rule re: mutual mistake of existing facts?
If BOTH parties are mistaken about EXISTING FACTS, contract may be VOIDABLE by adversely affected party if:
- mistake concerns BASIC ASSUMPTION on which K is made;
- mistake has MATERIAL EFFECT on agreed upon exchange; AND
- party seeking avoidance did not ASSUME RISK
What is the rule re: unilateral mistake?
General Rule: Unilateral mistake will NOT prevent K formation
Exception: If one party KNEW or HAD REASON TO KNOW of the mistake, K is voidable by mistaken party IF:
- mistake had MATERIAL EFFECT on agreed upon exchange; AND
- party seeking avoidance did not assume risk
What is the rule re: Misunderstanding (ambiguous contract language)?
if neither/both parties aware –> No K unless both parties intended same meaning
If one party aware –> binding K based on what ignorant party reasonably believed to be meaning of ambiguous words
What is the rule re: fraudulent misrepresentation?
K is voidable by innocent party if:
- it is a MATERIAL misrepresentation; AND
- she justifiably relied on it
For the purpose of fraudulent misrepresentation, what is a “material” misrepresentation?
It is material if:
- it would induce a reasonable person to agree; OR
- maker knows that for some special reason it would induce this particular person to agree, even if a reasonable person would not
What are the remedies for fraudulent misrepresentation?
Innocent party may rescind K. Also may pursue all remedies available for breach.
What is the rule re: lack of consideration?
No K exists
What is the rule re: illegality?
If consideration or subject matter of K is illegal —> K is void
Example –> contract to commit murder
If only the PURPOSE of K is illegal –> K is VOIDABLE by a party who was:
(i) unaware of the purpose;
(ii) aware but did not facilitate purpose AND purpose doesn’t involve serious turpitude
What is the rule re: contracts of infants (minors)?
If under 18 –>
- K’s are voidable. infant may disaffirm any time before (or shortly after) reaching age of majority.
- If they disaffirm, infant must return anything that she received that still remains at time of disaffirmance (no obligation to return anything already spent).
- EXCEPTION: in most states will be liable for necessaries
Adults to infants –>
contractual promises of adult to infant are binding on adult
What is the rule re: contracts of people without mental capacity to enter into K?
- Someone w/o mental capacity may disaffirm when lucid or by later representative
- they ARE liable in quasi-contract for necessaries
- mentally incompetent person has NO ability to contract once guardian has been appointed. Any contracts entered into after this time are void
What is the rule re: contracts of intoxicated people?
- voidable IF the other party had reason to know of intoxication
- may be affirmed upon recovery
- liable in quasi-contract for necessaries
What is the rule re: duress/undue influence?
Contract procured by duress/undue influence are VOIDABLE, and may be rescinded as long as not affirmed
Improper threat. Usually economic threat is not enough unless:
(i) party threatens to commit wrongful act that would seriously threaten the other contracting party’s property or finances; AND
(ii) there are no adequate means to prevent threatened loss
Undue Influence:
(i) undue susceptibility to pressure by one party;
(ii) excessive pressure by other party
What is the general rule re: unconscionability?
Court may refuse to enforce a provision or an entire contract, or may modify contract, to avoid unfairness.
NOTE: unfair price alone is usually not enough
NOTE: it’s often procedural unfairness
What is the rule re: unconscionability and contracts of adhesion?
Courts will deem clause unconscionable and unenforceable if:
- signer is unable to procure necessary goods from any seller without agree d
What is the rule re: unconscionability and exculpatory clauses?
clause absolving party from liability from INTENTIONAL conduct –> usually unconscionable
Negligent acts —> MAY be unconscionable if inconspicuous, usually OK esp if for hazardous activity
What is the rule re: unconscionability and limitations on remedies?
- contract clause limiting liability for damages to property is usually OK unless inconspicuous.
- HOWEVER –> if remedy FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, then court may find it unconscionable (example –> only remedy is repair, and item is incapable of being repaired)n
What is the rule re: unconscionability and timing?
-unconscionability is determined by circumstances as they existed at the time K was formed
What is effect if court finds unconscionable clause?
court may:
- refuse to enforce K
- enforce remainder of K without clause
- limit the application of any clause so as to avoid unconscionable result