contract and agency Flashcards
express contract
stated/written agreement between two parties
implied contract
exists based on the parties’ actions or behaviors instead of their words or a written agreement.
bilateral contract
both parties have obligation
unilateral contract
only one party makes a promise
offer and acceptance
An offer is a promise made by one party requesting something in exchange for that promise. Acceptance is agreeing to be bound by the terms made in the offer. It’s sometimes referred to as mutual agreement or a meeting of the minds.
Valuable consideration may consist of an exchange of money for a promise, exchange of an item of value for money, or an agreement to do or not do something. Good consideration, such as love and affection, is intangible but is still valuable consideration.
legal compétence
the legal and mental capacity to enter into a contract. If one of the parties doesn’t have legal capacity and enters into a contract anyway, the contract is voidable only by the party
lacking capacity. Legal competence refers to being of the age of majority as well as otherwise having mental
legal purpose
all contract must be for a legal purpose or they are void
all parties must enter in contract voluntarily with no undue influence or duress.
substitution for one party, still responsible for contractual responsibilities
substitution for one party and new contract. release from responsibility
executed contract
all parties completed the terms of contract and its performed.
executory contract
uncompleted contract
voidable contract
one that appears valid, but one or both parties have a legal right to cancel it. This could be because
one of the parties lacks legal competence or because a mistake or misrepresentation falsely led one of the parties to agree to the contract. The contract is voidable by the incompetent or misled party but enforceable against the other party.
unenforceable contract
may be valid but is unlikely to stand up in court.
breach of contract
when party fail to meet contract obligations
unilateral rescission
A rescinded
contract is terminated and the parties are legally returned to the positions held before the contract existed.
termination in performance
when all parties have completed all contract terms.
partial performance
terms and written acceptance by the party agreeing to partial performance
Substantial performance
terms are mostly performed but certain details may be lacking
impossibility of performance
in which an unforeseen situation (such as destruction of the property) makes contract performance difficult, impractical, or impossible
mutual agreement
parties to cancel the contract and release each other from its terms
operation of law
including a minor voiding a contract or due to lack of mental competence, fraud, or the death of one of the parties
indemnification clauses
section in contract that release various parries from liability or loss