What is barrier method?
The barrier method is the method in which the vehicles prevent sperm from entering the cervical os.
As detergents , the chemicals attack the sperm flagella and body, reducing mobility, and disrupting their fructolytic activity, thus jeopardising the nourishment
Types of barrier method?
Male condom
Female condom
Decribe the male condom?
is a thin latex ruber sheat that is worn over the erect penis before penetration.It acts as a barrier preventing semen from entering the vagina
What are the two types of male condom
2 types depending on the material used:
A) Latex rubber condom
B) Condoms made form natural sources
What’s the EFFECTIVENESS of the male condom?
Typical use failure rate in first year of use =15%
Describe the female condom
Thin sheath of polyurethane plastic with polyurethane rings at either end
Inserted into the vagina before intercourse
Mechanism of action;
Prevent sperm from gaining access to female reproductive tract
Prevent microorganisms (STDs) from passing from one partner to another
Describe the diaphragm?
diaphragm is a dome shaped rubber cup with a flexible rim. It is inserted into the vagina before intercourse so that the posterior rim rests in the posterior fornix and anterior rim fits snugly.
acts as a mechanical barrier to sperm migration and in addition the spermicide applied to its inner surface before insertion helps to destroy sperm cells
Types of diaphragm ?
Diaphragms differ according to rim types: there are four types :Arcing spring, Fiat spring,Coil spring, Wide seal rim
What are spermicides ?
These are chemicals that kill sperm, they can be ;
Aerosol, foaming tablets, vaginal suppository
5 Reasons why people use spermicides?
Do not want to use other forms of contraceptives.
Do not find other methods suitable
Have intercourse infrequently
Need to enhances the effectiveness of the diaphragm and condom
Fear that other methods may interfere with successful lactation
10 Advantages of spermicides?
No prescription required
Can be used ahead of intercourse to avoid interruption
Very few side effects
Protects against some STIs
Reasonably cheap
Used only when needed
Has no effect on breast milk
Gives no systemic effects
Can be provided by non medical personnel
Convenient to use
9 Disadvantage of spermicides?
Not acceptable to those who are opposed to touching their genitalia
May produce burning sensation in client or partner
Can be difficult to hide from partner
Can be messy
Some may melt in hot weather
Interrupts sex if not inserted before hand
May irritate client or partner
High failure rate
Efficacy of IUCD; intrauterine contraceptive device
the IUD is one of the most effective methods of contraception. With most devices, pregnancy rates range from less than one to three per 100 women per year
Second-generation copper IUDs are much more effective and have fewer side effects than unmedicated IUDs
Risk factors to IUCD expulsion
Younger women and women who have never been pregnant or have never had children are more likely to expel their lUDs
Women who had painful menstruation or abnormally large menstrual flows were more likely to expel copper-T IUDs
Incorrect insertion; Correct insertion, with the IUD placed up to the fundus, is thought to reduce the chances of expulsion
Mechanism of action of NON MEDICATED IUCD
Sterile inflammatory response to the intrauterine foreign body produces minor tissue injury
Inflammatory reaction prevent implantation should fertilization occur
Also, has some spermicidal activity
Mechanism of action of COPPER CONTAINING IUCD
Release of copper salts and free copper into uterine cavity
The copper ion released affect sperm capacitation and motility. It may also have spermicidal activity
It also potentiates the release of prostaglandins thus intensifying the inflammatory reaction.
Foreign body reaction
Produces hostile cervical mucus
Decidualisation of endometrium and atrophy of the glands
Inhibition of sperm capacitation
Inhibition of implantation
9 Advantages of IUCD
It is cheap
Long lasting (Cu-may last 10years & Lippes needs no replacement)
No interference with sex
Increased sexual enjoyment because no need to worry about pregnancy
Immediate reversibility
No interaction with any medication
Less risk of ectopic among users compare with general population
Has low failure rate (0.8 pregnancies per 100women years)
No effect on lactation
3 Disadvantages of IUCD
A) Does not protect against STI/HIV infection. Hence not useful for clients with multiple sexual partners
B) Provider dependent: A trained personnel is needed for insertion & regular checking
C) It is not user controlled
5 Side effects:of IUCD
Side effects: abdominal cramps, menstrual abnormalities, increased risk of pelvic infection, uterine perforation
Risk of expulsion
Contraindications of IUCD
Already existing pregnancy
Pelvic infection
Patient with high risk of STIs
Presence of uterine abnormalities
Uterine size less than 6cm and larger than 9-10cm
Severe dysmenorrhoea
Undiagnosed uterine bleeding
Pelvic malignancy
Wilson’s disease & abnormal reaction to copper
3 Times of insertion of IUCD
A) Interval:
B) Immediate postpartum (post placental insertion)
C) Transcaesarean insertion
Interval? ; time of insertion
1- Anytime during menstrual cycle but preferable during menstruation because uterus is less irritable, confirmation that there is no pregnancy, cervical canal is open so, no need of dilation.
2- post abortion evacuation.
3- six weeks post partum, 3 month after PID treatment.
Immediate postpartum? ; time of insertion
Immediate postpartum( post placental insertion): usually done after 10minutes to 48hrs post delivery
Follow up for IUCD
Next visit 3 & 6 months
Subsequently yearly until desire for removal
Lippes loop – indefinite
Copper T-200 – 3 years
Copper T-380 – 10years
Multiload 250 – 3 years
Encourage pap smear every 2 years
Indication for removal of IUCD
Clients request for removal
Any side effects that make clients request for removal
Medical reasons like; pregnancy, acute PID, perforation of uterus, partial expulsion & heavy bleeding
When clients reaches menopause
11Complications of IUCD use
Uterine perforation
Pelvic infection especially actinomycosis ( caused by Actinomycese isrealis)
Heavy bleeding leading to anaemia
Translocation of IUCD
Missing IUCD
Ectopic pregnancy
In the case of Pregnancy WITH IUCD IN-SITU?
If pregnancy does occur, potentially severe complications can result. Medical attention is always needed
Spontaneous abortion is the most frequent complication of pregnancy with an IUD in place
the IUD should be removed as soon as pregnancy is confirmed