Definition of abortion
the expulsion or extraction of product of conception (fetus) weighing <500g. – WHO
•Expulsion or extraction of a fetus <28weeks GA (in Nigeria)
Chromosomal abnormalities: responsible for at least 50% of abortions.
Defects like Trisomy( trisomy 16 most common) , Polyploidy, Monosomy.
Structural defects like Translocation, Deletion, Inversion
Maternal infections:
Viral: Rubella, Cytomegalovirus
Parasitic: Toxoplasmosis, Malaria
Acute fever for whatever the cause can induce abortion
Trauma: External trauma to the abdomen or during abdominal or pelvic operations
Endocrine and metabolic factors:
Progesterone deficiency (causes abortion between 8-12weeks)
Diabetes mellitus
Uterine defects:
Congenital/ Uterine anomalies: arcuate uterus, uterine didelphys, bicornuate uterus unicornuate uterus
Acquired: Asherman’s syndrome/ Uterine synechie (intrauterine adhesions)
Drugs and Environmental causes: mifepristone, tobacco, alcohol, arsenic, lead, formaldehyde, bezene and radiation
Immunological causes: Antiphospholipid syndrome, Systemic lupus erythematous,
Cervical incompetence
Risk factors
Increasing maternal Age, risk increases after 35yrs
Previous miscarriage(s)
Chronic (uncontrolled) medical condition – DM, HTN, CKD etc
Social drug use
High impact exercise.
- Therapeutic
- Criminal
Spontaneous abortion subtypes?
Threatened abortion ..diagnosis
Vaginal bleeding is slight or mild, “spotting”.
Pain is typically absent (or slight)
Cervical os is closed
Pregnancy test is positive
USS shows a living fetus.
Inevitable abortion diagnosis
Vaginal bleeding is significant and may be accompanied with clots.
Pain is typically colicky
Cervical os is dilated and the products of conception my be felt through it.
Rupture of membrane prior to the age of viability is also inevitability of abortion
USS shows a living fetus
Incomplete abortion diagnosis
Passage of part of the conception product (fleshy materials, fetus) with some products retained
Bleeding is continuous
Pain is colicky
Uterine size may be less than gestational age
Cervix is opened and retained contents may be felt through it. (It may be plugging the os)
Ultrasonography shows retained contents.
Complete abortion diagnosis
All products of conception have been expelled from the uterus.
Bleeding subsides and gradually diminishes
Pain ceases
Cervical os is closed
Ultrasonography shows empty uterine cavity.
Missed abortion diagnosis
It is defined as “a gestational sac containing a dead embryo or foetus before the age of viability without clinical symptoms of expulsion”.
Bleeding is absent/ spotting
No pain
Cervical os is closed
USS shows either a collapsed gestational sac or absent foetal heart movement.
Septic abortion diagnosis
When any type of abortion complicated by infection.
A common feature of unsafe abortion.
In addition to the clinical picture of the type of miscarriage, there are presence of infecrions – fever, tachycardia, +/- abd pain/ tenderness, foul smelling vaginal discharge etc
Recurrent abortion diagnosis
Recurrent/Habitual Abortion- 3 or more consecutive spontaneous pregnancy losses before the age of viability,
1- 2% of all pregnancies.
If it occurs >20weeks, cervical weakness (cervical incompetence)
Distressing and frustrating condition for both the patient and Dr.
Residive: 2 consecutive spontaneous abortion
Blighted ovum diagnosis
Anaembryonic pregnancy
The embryo stopped or never developed.
Presence of gestational sac without an embryo. mean GSD =/>25mm
A radiological diagnosis (1st trimester)
Vaginal bleeding is absent/ spotting
No Pain
Cervix is closed
Unsafe abortion
Termination of an unintended pregnancy by a person lacking the necessary
Methods of unsafe abortion
Methods for TOP in unsafe abortion
Ingestion - Quinine, blue dye, concoction, postinor2, ampiclox
Injection – quinine, oxytocin, ergot
Insertion – potash, herbs, coat hanger, bicycle spoke, sticks, misoprostol etc
Trauma – blunt abdominal trauma, uterine massage, fall from height
Early complications of unsafe abortion
Severe haemorrhage - Shock
Acute kidney injury
Uterine perforation
Bowel injury
Gas gangrene
Sepsis/ septicaemia
Late compilation of unsafe abortion
Chronic pelvic pain
Uterine synechiae/Asherman syndrome
Ectopic pregnancy
Chronic renal disease
Marital disharmony
Clinical features
HISTORY – variable amenorrhea, vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, passage of products,
EXAMINATION – anxious, pallor, +/- fever, dehydration, vital signs, +/-tenderness, uterine size,
V.E: blood smeared vulva/ active bleeding,
Speculum examination- cervical os maybe closed/ open, active bleeding, product of conception plugging the cervical os (remove with sponge holding forceps immediately to prevent neurogenic shock)
Digital exam-bulky uterus/ size, os dilatation, gloved fingers stained with blood (+/- odour)
Full blood count – urgent PCV
Pregnancy test
Serum B HCG
Blood grouping & crossmatching
Serology – HBsAg, HCV, RVS
Electrolyte, urea and creatinine
Blood film for malaria parasite
Urine MCS, urinalysis
Abdominal Xray-suspicion of uterine perforation
Other investigations to confirm etiology-fetal karyotype etc
Treatment depends on type of miscarriage
Resuscitation- IVF, +/- oxygen by face mask, blood transfusion,
Rhogam injection,500IU if pt is Rh negative
Tetanus prophylaxis – ATS, T.T
Evacuation of products of conception ERPOC
- Medical evacuation - Prostaglandin E1 analogue(Misoprostol 600µg)
- Surgical evacuation – MVA
Surgery - exploratory laparotomy for uterine, viscus perforation, drainage of abscess etc
Post abortal care
A composite care given to a woman after an abortion process and the partner where appropriate in order to prevent future risk of unwanted pregnancy and its complications
Post abortal care
A composite care given to a woman after an abortion process and the partner where appropriate in order to prevent future risk of unwanted pregnancy and its complications
Components of PAC
•Management of emergencies and complications
•Counseling to identify and respond to woman’s emotional and physical needs – counselling, religious & grieve support,
•Post abortion family planning/ contraception services to prevent future unintended pregnancies and abortion – counsel and informed decision on any method of contraception
•Linkage with other reproductive health services
•Community and service provider partnership
Abortion law in Nigeria.
Nigeria operates a restrictive abortion law. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse!!!
Criminal code in the South and penal code in the North.
Criminal code section 228, 229, 230, 297 (Southern Nigeria) – punishment from 3 – 14 years
Penal code 232, 233, 234 (Northern Nigeria) 3 – 14 years
PRIMARY PREVENTION of abortion mortality
Promotion of effective contraception for women at risk of unwanted pregnancy
Removal of barriers which deny access to contraception to women
Provision of postnatal family planning services
Education of the girl child, the community and its leaders
Adolescent / young adult friendly hospitals
SECONDARY PREVENTION of abortion mortality
Liberalization of abortion laws
Provision of safe abortion services as permitted within the limits of the law
Training of service providers to decentralize care and increase access for women
Provision of MVA and medical abortion, rather than D&C or other harmful methods
TERTIARY PREVENTION of abortion mortality
Promotion of post-abortion care for the treatment of incomplete abortion and unsafe abortion
Organization of services for the management of severe complications of abortion
Support groups for patient